Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Field theory


The thinking and illustrated ideas about field theory is to envisage a situation, where the laws of nature from its sequences of events become applicable.

Whether written words, musical notes or creative stimulations will makes the field theory deep enough, to engage in all forms of communication.

The laws of nature in its field of communication, has this high fidelity that gives constant aspects of its law as an optimal coding in some sense.

 It is like how the ultimate creativity is attracting all creative engagement as law, which has no law.

For all heretical notions are but a bridge between orthodoxies.

The law of evolution does not really exist over eons of time and is only a result of adaptation and survival.

Yet nature’s biology of our planet exhibit, what we admire it as order and is observable to us.

Providing evidence of belief in the laws of nature imposed on the cosmos from outside, rather than being holistic or immanent from within nature.

Placing more emphasis upon non-uniformed laws of nature is the 4th dimension and the slices of an apple that can be tasted as a pie, where the slices of the apples are the intuitive language.

The naked spirit cannot assume that the world follows its perfect order, for there are hard facts and dark holes before the silent intelligence can overcome the madness that governs the intellect.

To disciple something that is constantly changing and evolving is the truth of a particular law, to presume the truth for rational comparison.

The unified field theory of everything regarded as distinct and a single unique description therefore becomes questionable.

There are forms of chaos that seemingly causing too much order, too many laws, too much complexity to unlock the few magical things, that proof themselves as unique.

There are more things in heaven and earth, then are dreamt of in all philosophies.

General relativities contain within itself the seeds of its own destructions.

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