Sunday, May 26, 2024



From the patterns in the night sky to the pattern of circumstances, that say hello again, to the pattern of thinking and feeling that molds the bigger picture.

A pattern on top and under other patterns, patterns that affect other patterns and when one watch closer, a historic pattern is repeating itself. 

Maybe patterns are the divine chaos and we are to close to the puzzle, not seeing it.

Random patterns what we can't understand and call nonsense, are the truth that is outside of all fixed pattern.

The creative thought must look beyond cultural beliefs that are influenced with the pattern of a society.

We are pattern-seeking story-telling creators, and love to tell stories about the origin of the pattern.

If one pays attention to the intricate patterns of one existence, that one takes for granted, one will come across a coincidence and pattern one has to figure out yet.

Are we the stuff from dreams are made of and only see the smaller patterns in confusion?

The paradox of a few blind people, explaining of how fast they can travel is built on a concept and its definition.

Predictability as paradox taken to statistics is still no proof in the pudding, then natures force and acting pattern has a ripple effect.

The pattern of time is changing becoming where the wisdom and the heart are large enough, to accommodate the whole mosaic and

Patterns in the knowledge of plurality, is the beginning and in the pattern of conscious unity is life’s culmination.


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