Thursday, May 9, 2024

The Open Self


As long one is conformed to and by this world and its smallness to the universe, shows the mental struggle to be transformed by the renewing of the mind.

The mental cosmonaut and its daring little steps and leaps take a walk on the wild side on the galactic stairway.

The kingdom of heaven is the creative thinking and substance of all new beginnings, at the very core of all ending.

The moral obligation that comes with all teachings need to fill the thirst of knowledge that is admired by the student.

This knowledge and change must be a conscious love will of transformation, which enables the creative order to operate.

The mental crucifixion of the ego, for its guilty consciousness and narrow outlook that robs the will of its creative power, is the homework.

Life conforms and repeats, the spirit transforms and renews.

With the clarity of the loving heart, the spirit and the power of the creative become a clear purpose in the individual.

The cross is the symbolic center of the creative in the here and now, which ties the body to its life that immersed from the ocean of energies.

Faith in oneself must be culminating in faith with the living creative, for faith is a living trust and exaltation of the spirit.

The controlling power that keeps the spirit of people in hopelessness is the imitation of magnets that block the vision of liberation.

For the lack of personal magnetism and its vision, one becomes very easy the magnet in other peoples scrap yard.


No one will experience in life what is not meant for him.


The open self as free-flow energy has the gravity with the loving divine, where sincerity is the walking on water and the flower of the heart, that blossom and releases its fragrance, as a mature soul.


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