Monday, June 3, 2024

Dependent Nature


The dependent nature of the self is the result of the spiritual ignorance that mistakenly believes it is an independent entity.

The notion that one is an independent person is untenable.

It is the mental imprisonment in a continuous progress, of multidimensional realities which is governed, by the laws of cause and effect.

It is impossible for anything, including the self, to exist by itself.

But the ignorant self blindly performs the various actions necessary to maintain and perpetuate its existence.

The self desires to be as successful at this as possible to establish a status to satisfy the mind, creating and forming immense attachments causing karma. Emotional manipulations are on a big scale that affects the whole being and becomes a cultural phenomena and a corrupted status of morality.

The fixations of these emotional patterns produce factors of determining a person’s character.

The media is full of characters that love to manipulate anyone to cling to these emotions and creating a sale effect.

Endless passionate emotions on display, creating the worst conduct that posses and cancels the mental power of reasoning.

They are managing to sell anything of no values to feed the emotional need that never can be satisfied.

The phenomenon of ideation has a bit of creative imagination, but in the meantime it establishes forms that manifest itself as delusion.

The teacher teaches what he has to learn most and wants to get paid for it at the same time, digging for knowledge that brings excitement.

How can one claim to be a teacher and at the same time be sane; once teaching must prove a teaching and not a claim?

Fate is a lazy belief, hoping that the universe is moving in a given certain fixed direction and not finding the meaning of the uniqueness of individual existence that is waiting for us in the form with the true spirit.

The difference in the dependent nature is not to know, but to be.

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