Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Voice


To speak thoughts with the serenity of an easy presence and integrity comes across like music.

Cultural antiquities have given us the beliefs to that time, that this world is created by song. 

The cry of the baby that speaks all to the mother’s mind and courtesy applies itself from an etheric plane.

The voices of greetings, farewells, praise or acknowledgment are the appreciated beauty, coming from the same place as one appreciate good food.

The sound of prayers from choruses elevates the sense into purer etheric realm and become creation.   

The voice in that creates a song cycle that empowers everything.

The voice as sound is stirring a deep consciousness, which is within resonance to the natural singing vocals all engaging.

The sound we make can move one to tears or heal a broken heart.

It awakens memories, sensations and feelings, making or breaking of bonds and is the core of personal power.

It is the resonance of truth as well.

The voice as infectious and joyful laughter or the groans of sobs and despair are the glorious gifts.

The voice, that gives in any given moment the reflection to the physical, emotional and mental state.

All ancient cultures celebrated their teaching through the harmonies of sound through mantras and chanting sacred hymns.

Harmony, rhythm and melody compared to the 3 spirit fold from many religions.

The voice and melody is the power of creation, from the rhythm arises all motions and movement of time and harmony establishes concord of sound that maintains the balance.

The word is the body of the idea and the idea is the soul of the word that is enfolding within its own force.

To express an impulsive voice gives relief, but to control it gives strength and wisdom.  

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