Wednesday, June 12, 2024



The process of discipleship is the integration of personality into the growth of the soul to establish a subordinated mind.

The integration to the spiritual will with its conscious activity in relation to its purpose becomes the path of initiation.

Elimination becomes the art and subject to the form of life in new channels of impressions, where the law of death becomes a beneficent and beloved event.

Reflection of a cosmic purpose, which governs the etheric planes between the mental and astral plane are the processes of integration.

The death of personality and its slow gradual construction over many generations, one maintains a membership of the mass.

The selfish nature in conflict with the soul is the dweller on the threshold looking for matters.

People with control issues are conditioned with mental fears, which cannot be identified with the soul, seeking attention poorly placed.

Too many little Hitler’s with ambitious selfish and cruel personalities are the poorly educated aspirants and mimics.

The integration into a real human personality, with functioning soul awareness is to create the aspects of a transcended vision of life.

The master of the heart and its own liberated realities recognize the soul vibration of no separation.

A direct relation between the divine status and the own personality can override any karmic liabilities.

What we call the law of nature is the highest plane of the divine life; the laws of the soul are the life lessons through love in dynamics of being itself.

The power to observe the spiritual will knows the point exactly through which relief must come.

It involves a harmonic expression of poise that has inclusive points of view through love.

The integration of the mind goes beyond the truth that disturbs peace and harmony, for its worse than a lie.

It is the spirit of discipleship that opens the visions in one’s journey.

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