Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Cygnus has its name from the Greek word for Swan, and is a known as the Northern Cross

The shape of the constellation with a short tail and long neck stretching out suggests a flying Swan.

A well-known myth is the story of Zeus who disguised himself as a swan to seduce Leda, the mother of Castor, Pollox and Helen of Troy.

Another story declares that Cygnus the Swan is Orpheus himself giving his allure of forbidden love and the Swan story, which is the similar myth of Vega, known as the Harp star or Lyre.  The Aquarian qualities that are able to soar to great heights, as long they behave appropriately, or it becomes another Swan song.

Shravana is a lunar mansion consisting of the three stars in the head of the eagle Aquilla, seen as well as the footprint of Vishnu the preserver of the universe. He bestows the gift to perceive the truth of manifestation that is concealed in the world of Maya or illusion.

It is considered as the asterism of learning and associated to Saraswati the goddess of learning bestowing talents in music, learning and eloquence to humanity.

Another story goes, Cygnus who was a friend to Phaeton the son of Apollo who attempted to take Apollo’s chariot for a ride across the night-sky and lost control of the horses and landed in a river.

It impressed Zeus that he turned the youth into a swan and placed his image into the night sky.

The flight of the Swan or the thin line of can do or not is called “attitude” and it consists of doubt, self-doubt, self-esteem, courage, curiosity, ambition, perseverance and confidence.

For some trying to proof something is unknowingly planning to fail. Winning presents a daunting challenge, because the battle is in the head and it doesn’t always go to the stronger or faster person, the one who wins is the one who knows.

The living stars and their living light still traveling towards us and still open the questions, where is one in the relation to the cosmic interpretations that seem to have its own evident concept of order and a greater presence.

Trust is of no good value to others and oneself, having no trust in the self.


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