Monday, July 29, 2024



The mind in its desperate attempt, not knowing is deceiving the faculties of true intellect, as it depends on securities of false sanctuaries, taken as reference.

 It is the attitude and its allure of some deceptive bargain that dissolves compassion into sensation.

The dramatization is the show of promise in charge and the exchange for the souls in desperate attempts to be recognized.

The monster of drama that is beyond the reach of conscious unity only can perform pathetically in all matter of outcome.

The wise soul takes the stage of action trough matter and truth where the spirit attains its realization.

 Not interested to bargain at the crossroad and loosing its purpose as to nothing other then, another roadside attraction.

The arrogant dance of pleasures and its cost of no worth are the reasons of every false bliss and curse.

As long as one acts and dances upon another’s advice and exchange, one becomes a part of the trap, which has not the intuitive capabilities to succeed, but need the apparent creative force of others to be affective.

The perception and its dark musing is the value in that testament bringing in the hour of decadence, desperately holding forms in seeming eloquence. 

The art of being is the awakening to the flow in eternal present that surrenders to the experience as unconditional essence.

The light of truth is the luminous distillation of spiritual dew that takes the abundance of fertility into the magical perception.

The love of existence is the soothing secret of the soul’s determination that faces morality and obscurities with the threshold of simple loving measures.

The egos shopping mall and home for the wicked mind sells titles and deeds for free parking that will cost the mental chains to feel safe.

Gullible politicians, breeding their class act to make that statement one of Media’s values, as an important and expensive status quo.

All religious handicaps or media-frenzy entertainment are the most beautiful places to hide once inner eye from the divine language of worlds in definite soul. 


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