Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Redemption is the solution in a crisis.

Is a series of outer events which express in complex and confusing pattern the rhythm in the successive transformations of the soul?

It is the fundamental relationship between the One divine will and the Many, or spirit and matter, the multiplicity of elements which constitute the cosmos.

The great drama of pain and salvation, or supreme solution of the act that becomes meaningful. Cutting of the rigid contents of the ego, as there are no alternatives are available.

The facing of dissolution and darkness is to realize the unbearable intensity of once life that one may be arouses to Gods will.

The soul is a living force that likes challenges against all odds, instead of being in an ego-slumber and in a negative relation to the divine.

As modern slavery and its aristocracies is still an attitude problem that shows dependable inferiorities, is the vacuum for troubled souls.

The dogma of generations and its culture never is able to find the center of creation and truly know themselves, as free individuals.

The holy war and its monopoly are the crisis of the creative-mind-soul scripture sculpted in stone and the last cry of Christ to forgive them.

Gods name is his limitation and the limitation of intellect, like the original sin in Eden, the nursery of the soul and its careful listening.

The manipulated psyche and its handicaps are the Ghosts of past failures of insecure immaturities not meeting the adequately intelligence to see through the despair.

The Ghost which the mind constantly re-awakes is the self imposed punishment and useless misery.

The attitude towards the process of soul evolution is the psychological necessities of our times to come.

The earthy dust that forms the body that needs the breath of soul to be alive in the eternal purpose of life is the faculty.

The ignorant believer by his claim of belief causes the revolt in an intelligent person, thereby turning him into an unbeliever.

The expression of innocents is the pure quality of the child and manifestation of the divine.

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