Thursday, August 1, 2024



To believe in a definite evolving relationship between the self and God one must be endowed with a least some of the attributes of personality.

 Or as William Blake stated; “God becomes as we are, so that we may be as He is.’’

The covenant known from the bible and its symbolic meaning of union or coming together, is the actualized relationship.

The meeting of opposites, between the positive and eternal creative pole, versus the unstable and receptive, negative pole.

Any metaphysical abstract idea about the vast cosmic existence of a God and its whereabouts’ does not help much in a practical mutual relationship. 

The eastern philosophies declare that the divine-cosmic Brahman is one with human atman and is the basis for relationships.

The play of lights and shades, creating a phenomenon of fragments, in the play of the cosmic dream and absolute reality, versus a fleeting illusion of knowledge, that wants to be in control.

The covenant is the reflection of the living soul, upon the divine source and the mirror one faces in relation to that.

Prometheus gift is that voice and individual language as constant presence as the fire that adapt itself creatively.

Shiva and Shakti or the conscious power of action that control the horses of the egos instinctual desires with its organic excitement for the power for ego-glorification.  

The holy war therefore is a covenant of death sustained by the illusion of I am itself descends in gold. While the prophet, speaks of ‘the way’, for new qualities in the livingness to love and its new qualities, to surrender.

It is in that going on there is rhythm and balance where all extremes meet and divinity are real.

Contentment raises the soul above the strife for worthless things and beyond the limitation of human nature.



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