A state of mind, with the
quality of amusement, that complies with the wishes, to content the
circumstance with humor, to prevent trouble.
One is fortunately to see the humor that pays the bill in the instant vacation.
Common sense and humor are the feet that walk along the shores of compassion.
Imagination is the
bridge of compensation of what one is not; the sense of humor reveals the
lights on the bridge, to be what one is.
They even say that a good sense of humor is the best medicine and helps to kill the beast of burden.
is actually the ultimate defense against all ignorance and empty promises.
The humorous mind is the
doorkeeper to the treasure house, while the wretched thought always find some
excuse to be miserable.
Sense of humor has wisdom,
it teaches never to joke with fools and throw flowers at them, for they will
throw back stones.
Laughter is the stilling of
the heart and alchemy that turn lesser metals into gold.
The Joker or the fancy
comedian is seeking attention; the humorist heart is free and turns the
sunflowers head into the light.
Humor and love are forms
that culminate in love of the formless divine order.
The divine comedy and its
sense of humor raise one above the sense of duty, that turn into pleasure and
the worldly loss turns into spiritual gain.
Mukti is a form of healing
from ancient Vedas and looked at as path to the final destruction of the Ego
and its glorious release from action.
Humor is a spiritual
attainment and purpose of the soul, that’s why the ‘elite’ throw marshmallows
at each other, until they bleed.
Humor and its wisdom are
very poignant in few words what the foolish cannot explain on YouTube looking
for sponsorship.
To be with the divine
comedy on stage is to find, that the answer is in the question, for it has no
existence without the answer.
Humor is the door to the
hereafter world to come, that opens with a subtle smile, not needing burning
words from flaming hearts.
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