Monday, August 5, 2024



The ability to show good judgment by avoiding risks and uncertainties are the choices that have the fragrance of virtue in the air.

The utility of that knowledge provides the clarity into the circumstance, coming to terms of what lies ahead. 

Dispensing the faculty of ethics and prudence are the way out of a blind alley.

 The psychological knowledge of antiquity and the flow of least resistance are the success that gets attained, with minimum effort.

Sagacious discernment and a keen practical sense are the fine-tuning of energies that created a situation which is in need of release.

The change of mind that is stuck by reasoning with its attitude is not the solution. Prudence is the necessary ingredient in all the virtues that temper with enjoyment and the feeling of being sated.

Prudence is mostly seen by attention seeking people wanting to be somebody and is courted by incapacities. Whereas, the grateful receiver, bears the fruit of a plentiful, in the heart of knowledge and the door of perception of infinite love. 

Prudence is the plea for the hypocrite and flatterer, as the media cannot exist without it, but only strives in the human intelligence and its failure.

The love energy is the eternal touch, which everybody desires, some that cannot act accordingly, breeding only silent pestilence.

We make a living by what we have and a life by what we give is the greater mind, the small minds just discuss events or other people.

Proper discrimination between wants and needs is the prudence that shows the balances between weaknesses with firmness.   


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