Tuesday, August 6, 2024



The chapters that test and prove the occurrence of life are the little things that turn the page of the heart.

The book of life has infinite amount of time in this planetary sphere, for how to discover realities and the wondering of how many chapters the book has.

The ancient stories and their archetype of the struggle are the odysseys and it’s dependent on a new generation to write new chapters.

The story in the making and not knowing what the next chapter is going to be, is exciting and has the habit of old ideas, to control new circumstances.

Chapters of eternal relationship in the divine order provide that form of lesson, to establish the sense of pure love and its revelation.

The emotional equilibrium is not written in rock, but has the beat of new chapters to write and play along and trust the magic of moments in clarity.

The chapters in the chapter are adopting the idea of shared and collective experiences in the individual psyche and are the becoming and its reflection of all things.

We all experienced that bliss when falling into the abyss or void to surrender and trusting the process that beats with the heart of nature.

The love story that speaks for itself is the seeming flow until reasons taking on a different chapter. Fears and its control, taking on the rudder to pursuit happiness and failing, as honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.

The chapters of wisdom in the book of life cannot fade away and become the desire for the maintenance of love.

The righteousness of love without the wisdom is the Princess and the Pea story, revealing only the attention seeking love story.

When beauty is a sweet coat to a cover-up, it becomes the bribe for to jump of the cliffs, trying to proof something.

Chapters that unfold the secret through nature, reveal the mystery of the heart.


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