Friday, September 13, 2024

Common Courtesy


In the sentiment of gratitude is the form of courtesy that establishes the true nature of leadership through caring consideration.

Common courtesy opens the doors to the deeds of kindness that gathers love.

 True courtesy is the confidence from a deep moral foundation that shows euthenics personality.

All things in their beginnings must be guarded from the force of destruction in the nursery of the caring mind.

 Common courtesy is the mirror of what we do and as we do, reflections of light that encourages the values that flow naturally.

Presence must stimulate in the heart with the feeling which must always kept alive. Common courtesy is trying to do the right, which seems to be right at the moment, in other moments the same may seem wrong. Therefore one must not attempt to impose the right upon one who does not see the right from wrong.

Public relation in business and politics have lost all common courtesy, otherwise they would not need so much poor expensive advertising.

Expectations of common courtesy in the show of life are called the princess and the pea. Being courteous to the fellow human and share the intimacy of trust is to establish the true nature of confidence in each other.

The refining progress of courtesy and the deferential equilibrium is the persistence in nature’s wisdom.

To accomplish the impossible is the diligence in fine words and the courtesy as necessary. Courtesy is the metaphor of respect in the true sense of creating eternal youth.

It is the natural ability of the wise to travel through time and creating space for common sense. The virtue of courteous communication has the frequency of poetic sense, giving reason to ponder in realizations.

Common courtesy is the safe place between heaven and hell, not needing to face any purgatory.

Common courtesy is not the intention to teach, but to show all one can see.

Common courtesy is the truth that illuminates the sense of life, where all things become clear in the nature of things.


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