Saturday, September 21, 2024

Core of being


Knowing should be understood in the sense of experiencing the core of a creative being.

 As long knowledge is not applied with wisdom and only dwells with ideas and thoughts of others, no true attentive experience is established.

It is not acquaintance but interpenetration of complete attunement with the essence of whatever is known.

The essence of any being is the activity being in union with its being.

Spirit is never a matter of more or less, it is the quality of activity and great fact of the spiritual life.

The celestial love harmony indicates the glory of life to love and to give and not to get. Those who never loved and got spoiled with riches, love in vain, for true love is the beginning of no end, then wherever the search ceases only pretense was flowering. 

After all, it is not what we have and need to be, but the core of beings from the heart of spirit, where the mind finds happiness within itself.

The first condition of human love and its reverence are the traces that knit us all together. The content in wisdom is as well the content with what we do not understand.

It is the countless gold of a loving heart that to pleasant service led, which the wicked tries to capture with attention seeking needs.

One cannot establish peace, if one puts the shadow of the ego and its will between the true self and the spirit.

Any theology and anything else that establishes mere formulas must be revaluated from time to time to the eternal standards of the spirit.

The abundance of love is the threshold, for there is no other honorable render of honesty capturing all fate.

The truth to every inmost thought captures the speech and capacity for self-recollection and is the condition of all noble acts.

Destiny is the breath of God and the music of the spheres in all existence against the lawless heart, with the joy of contentment.

We are never more discontented with others than we are discontented with ourselves.

A life of hope is deferred too often in wasted opportunities, for hope is the cut flower in the vase without its roots.

The happy home is the ultimate result of all ambition.

The being is the revealing.


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