Tuesday, September 3, 2024



A state of unrestrained political corruption is known as a kleptocracy, literally meaning that a state is ruled to steal its resources.

It is the daily dose of kleptocracy upon the media can feeds itself.

Corruptocracy and its kleptarchy is very consumer friendly for the sake of buying status.  The rules of thieves is the gain at others expenses, never realizing that the bill is slapping the face, all the time.

The Pinocchio, Peter Pan and Hero syndromes that are consistently sponsored with corruption in Movies are the psychological mother milk and actors the empty bottle.

When poor souls are crying for attention to find confidence to save the world, it becomes a slapstick faculty with a denseness of embarrassment. The internet is the open door to this cultural faith, encouraging youngster to an easy living on fake facts.

The wicket belief, it is saver on the net to date and order junk food to feed the gullible is the coining convenience.    

The mental handicap and dying spirit does not know that the divine purity is the manifestation of the real power that only sustains in the faculty of innocents. Power does not corrupt; it is the fear of not being somebody that is the loss of power.

I prefer failure to success gained by falsehood, then what the world calls success, is to me like a Barbie’s doll wedding.

The value of currencies that destroys homes and cities that corrupts the worthiest minds is the fear in silence.

That unreality of life which pushes against the heart cannot open the doors to the subtle reality.

The divine reality and its turning point of death and page of life are in the eyes of fear the death, but to those who alive, are looking forward to another chapter.

There is no reason that one should know God, because one is born on earth, it is only the birth of the soul that makes one entitled to that grace of knowledge.

Life of truth is eternal and immortal is the past, where mother’s arms received me when I come to the earth and my father’s arm lift me up at the moment when I depart from this comic book.

One can consider the self second to none, when one realizes in the self the One alone. 

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