Saturday, October 26, 2024



Intuitions are the depths of life itself as they reveal the form of a living philosophy. 

It is once own theology to feed the desire to satisfy the longing in the ghost town of a superimposed mental self.

That mental self and its faculties are the attractions in relationships with others and the quality of integrity and awareness.

Cognition are instinctive apprehensions irrespective of nature, intuitions are holistic perceptions and the theology of the self as awareness of the self.

It is not sensation, but pure holistic logic or tautology from thought of existence and the happiness of life, upon the quality of thoughts becomes relevant. 

The point of view is the change of thoughts and change of world, for thinking and belief makes it so.

The cognitive disorder is, when its function is compromised by reasons, as intuitive wisdom comes as tolerance.

Emotional functions based on insecurities or hope is a way of thinking, not giving the intuition enough time to intertwine.

The theology of the self or mental discipline is the spiritual experience in the state of peace that fills up the void of self, with the spirit of truth.

It has nothing to do with meaningless austerities, but is the strengthening of the buddhi and the faculty which controls the sense organs. The buddhi is the captain of the ship seated in the self controlled by the mind where senses need to remain in control.

The taming of ones interior horses is the language of a good charioteer firmly holding the rains of the mind.

Fast anchoring to believe or to get attached to the first available piece of information to influence the decision-making process is the fast thinking smartness not taken the time to think through the decision.

As long people want to believe what they already believe, or other facts or information that goes against those beliefs, regardless of its relevance is the puppet show.

The sublime self without the teaching of nature’s patience is loosing the self, never reaching the summit of vision.

The gentle breeze is the message that leads to the dwelling place of the divine beloved.

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