Friday, October 25, 2024

The generous Soul


The food of the generous Soul has that uniqueness of taste that keeps the memory talking, it is the music that suits once feelings and speaks the language of love without words.

Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity these days as true generosity is too often eaten up by prosperity and riches.

The generous Soul is the compassionate act as its own reward; it is the gesture that can reach a wound, only compassion can heal.

Here is where the real generosity takes place, by giving it all in the present that takes care for the future.

The generous Soul has the humor of serenities that touches with kindled words whenever there is an opportunity for kindness.

Love in action is generosity when in doubt, as lips hold the prayer and promises are granted speaking from the heart.

The generous Soul has given up throne and crown to become a slave to loves mercy, and listen to its presence whisper most generously.

Divine purity is seen in the innocent expression of the child, where the heart becomes the ocean and is the blessings from the outstretched hands of the beloved.

The generous soul is armed with devotion and protected with wisdom, that virtue wins victory for the rightness.

The generous soul has rooted out in the quest of truth all ignorance, recognized as mystic and teacher of life going beyond all knowledge.  

People’s astonishment and expression of ignorant remedies is the malady, wanting to express the truth without knowing it.

The generous soul knows to rise above facts to touch reality, for mostly words are hiding realities.

It is in the word almighty where the generous soul finds devotion called the tenacious D.

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