Thursday, October 24, 2024


Knowledge in its ignorant state is based on fears of not realizing the subject, and has the melody where angles fear to thread.

 On the other hand a little knowledge that acts genuine is worth infinitely more, than much knowledge framed on the wall.

The knowledge of human nature is the seeking how to adapt to establish happiness, by changing once dispositions.

Half-baked truth is the ignorance that begets confidence crossing the tide-rope, thinking there is a net that catches one.

The shades of the ego need to be taken off at times, to see clearly, where knowledge ends and ignorance begins.

Social media culture is the free-will wall where to flaunt half baked knowledge with desperate sales, to attract attention.

Half-baked information is the mental fast food worshipping that turns everybody into Roland the clown.

Knowledge needs commitment to belief, for we only know what we know when we need to know it. Real knowledge falls into place when it slaps the face so hard that the tears of wisdom are the release being dumbfounded. 

Knowledge is connected to everything else, as it wants to happen, just as life wants to happen. The more one tries to pin knowledge down, the more it slips away.

Unlearning and letting go of old ways of thinking, especially retiring from famous knowledge is a contribution to the vitality and evolution of real knowledge. Knowledge about the self is the ultimate not written bible and proof of truth in its stages.

The purpose of philosophy is to see the truth and its knowledge, where the student experiences the truth directly.

‘Dris’ from the Sanskrit means to see; Darsana is philosophy and derived from the word Dris, meaning to see.

Knowledge is not a mere intellectual pursuit of an abstract ideal, but an actual perception of truth.

The emphasis on faith by reasons is the innocent conduct in sincere manor, where the beloved is seen in all names and forms.

The sweetness of the cake is closer to me than my self.

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