Monday, October 28, 2024

Holistic Logic


Is the place where the intellect finds its observation point that works as functional coherency to the whole?  

The holistic mind does the interpretation with the vital principle of wholeness to the moment?

Nature’s intuitive mating game that is fulfilling its natural instinctive movement, to its purity of holistic logic in the moment.

Nature does not compartmentalize, it flows as integrative and holistic form to form wholes, which attracts all creative evolutions.

The mental attempt to establish intuitive realization from the conscious mind, beside the individual selfhood has to face values of forms and space.

It's a holistic view that sees the world as interconnected in so many different ways and informs us, and it is the lack of holistic understanding in human political behavior, that keeps the world at war.  

Holistic logic and system philosophy creates new paradigm of perception and manifested the integration of holistic thinking.

One can called it a broader ecological point of view, where the ecological awareness recognizes the fact that, as individuals and societies we are all embedded in the cyclical process of nature.

God’s mysteries have logic wholeness with symbols as form of a living existence in the synchronicity of the eternal mating game.

Relationships creating new attractions and function as evolving life because it is creative like logic that adapts to new levels of being.

Holistic logic brings the feminine and masculine energies to awareness as thought of existence in duality as whole.

The dance of the maiden keeps on turning the wheel of life is the entangled self that turn by intuition in flow of time.

The wheel of immensity as space is the majesty of the holistic presence.

It is the sprit of discipleship that opens the vision of holistic logic making its attainment the most necessary in one’s journey along the spiritual path.

Finding the ideal of the self is finding that all lives are spirit and all that matters will die.

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