Thursday, October 17, 2024



In biology, a mutation is an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of an organism and plays a part in both normal and abnormal biological processes including the development or declining of the immune system.

Mutation is the ultimate source of all genetic variation, providing the raw material on which evolutionary forces such as natural selection can act.

Spiritual mutation is the endeavor of the human change in consciousness and the attention towards the interior responsibilities to gather the physical and spiritual forces to formulate refined qualities of the collective quality and not quantity.

The refined love qualities are the creative process to deliver the fruits of its truth and not trying to know better.

The promotion towards the mutation is, where one is called, upon to choose love and renounce power as the complete creative act.

The bitter pill of the mind when one opposes the spirit to nature, with the analytical knowledge to satisfy the imbalanced equilibrium of the emotional intellect.

Science overlooks the poet’s vision and the realm of intuitive understanding, where the restlessness and the curios mind that loves to conquer, translates into the creative root of heaven in unity.

The constant mutation in the multiple universe is the feminine and masculine in unity known as Sakti from the Hindus, which means the energy of being which desires to be manifold.

A neutral sphere, that can be directed in one way or the other and sets direction of destiny, which the individual bears in his heart. The will of being which multiplies is the will love sown from the heart.

The spirit as perpetual impetus of evolution comes to touch matter and provokes an awakening of once desire to be.

Destiny is the transcendence mutation to face the imbalance of outlooks and another new strength, into the whole creation which wakes up with the wakening of the heart.


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  In biology, a mutation is an alteration in the nucleic acid sequence of an organism and plays a part in both normal and abnormal biologi...