Friday, October 4, 2024



The ancestral truth and its symbolic laws that guide its growth of the universe and the cosmos of the self is the experience of value and its signification.

 As everything has been revealed with the internet and access we are more a witness and been attested in a new transforming experience.

 Because this experience is directed to the individual, it must be focused as an external collective idea as a place of meeting. 

We witness the simplicity and its convenient possibilities that fit with the human nature, unfortunately we are inviting endless tragedies and mental captivities, where there is no more letting go of stiff-necked rigidities. 

The ghost of burden becomes the hero where the paycheck is signed with, just doing the job.

The reactions out of replayed news and video games are the blatant lust for rebelliousness from a vice-versa replayed psychic nature.

A compulsion is witnessed as an anti-creative act and attraction to destruction. One can witness of how the old ego pattern is destroying the temple with moral taboos that becomes the wind that scatters the holy place.

To witness that all information is useless to take the fears away and to be a free person without unconscious compulsion, one has to realize that the truth of the self is one’s destiny.

One can then witness with all beauty and love the childlike innocence within the heart of divine parenthood. The universal fatherhood is an expression that reaches its maturity, when one can love another, as the love of the father reaches far and beyond.

To witness when one cultivate gratitude and appreciation, it will heal many wounds and gives the soul a clear vision to see through the mental ghost and its dogmas.

 The system does not want You to be free and is only a picture that can be taken down from the wall.

Perhaps one can witness as well that the divine electromagnetic field in the hand has its revelation, that the illusion of the world has only the value of the plastic one is staring at.

The gospel one witnesses is based on the biological psychic foundation that is not separated by the ideal of all means.

No one can sustain disharmony in life, through many will ignorantly maintain it.


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