Thursday, November 21, 2024


The state of being in its unassuming abilities without needing any credit is the modest intimacy with God.

Modesty is the veil over the image of the divine order and most modest as the offspring of humility.  

Political aspirations are the languages without modesty that never will find the promises to make good.

Modesty is that what flows out of  the true place of service, then we are not our own, for we are coming with a price called conscience.

Hypocrisy is a disease and vastly overrated virtue, whereas the mind that is enriched with noble virtues is conscience of his body.

The intimacy of truth is the affection of modesty that takes care of trust in deeds to take care about, the outlooks on life.

The modesty of life is a fare trade wherein all adjust itself in time, for all one takes from it; one must pay the price sooner or later.

Modesty is the shield against all vices and its captive subjections to conqueror all intolerance.

The modesty and true exaltation comes from the insults one has endured in life, rather than from the respected attitude of once mentors.

To drink the wine of modesty is to acknowledge the divine intoxication as presence.  The invisible space and inconceivable time is Gods modesty that teaches the path of life.

A society of wasters with its ignorant policies is triggering Victoria’s secret tsunami from the touch of the phone.

The branding and advertising psychology with its feeling that makes one feel good is failing because of ethical values turned to prostitution seen on all social sites.

The true feminine quality of modesty is not about the dress, it is about being an example for having the right attitude, that less is more.

In that beauty are the secret of divinity and the realization of the effect of once deeds upon the self and loved once.

A humiliated conscience dims the radiance of countenance, as the soul mirrors everything one does.

Modesty is the key to real happiness and the complete unfoldment of human nature.


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