Wednesday, November 27, 2024



The individual true self is the ancient call that forms the genius of talent, one is born with.

The instrument of society and its need for identification and comparison creates the doubt to trust the talents and its natural enfoldment to establish real values, which are out of sight.

Those who are possessed by talent only encouraging the curse that talents have, when not recognized as gift.

It is the modest talent that knows its virtue to will, desire and its persistency. Talent and destiny dances hand in hand to the timing of the rhythm that witnesses the exercise of its singular power.

The artist knows that he is only the manager of the talent holding the pulse with the hand to manifest.

The art of talent is in the discipline or it becomes a depressing situation, as talent creates its own opportunity.

Talent has its own conscious with its abundance to inspire and to include. The kindled flame turned to fire and does what it can, and then genius does what it must.

The birth of genius delivers what talents turn to the object of love as it works with the cause of the cosmic truth that indicates the power of the benefactor.

The cosmic exchange of given Gods talent and the gift from you to the world is finding its happiness in execution.  

Mediocrity dances on the all the stages and knows nothing higher than itself, whereas the talent speaks of genius in silence to be closer to its element. To experience the working spirit is the ecstasy and enduring goal of all goals.

Pure talents depends on the character and courage that determines who fits in the room of creative conduct where talent is respected.

The elixir of the living exchange is in the talent that will cost you your life by the lack of purpose.

The eyes are the windows through which the soul looks at the celestial perfection to see it self.

The virtue in the talent is the duty and pleasure of doing so.

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