Monday, November 18, 2024

The labyrinth

The complicated network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way out.

The labyrinth provides the experience of walking a clearly defined path that brings us to the unity or center of ones being.

The life labyrinth is for the soul to find peace, from the conflicting laws and regulations with confusing arrangement in which society establishes its constitution.

Things outside are projections of what is inside and vice versa at the same time, walking the labyrinth inside out.

The magical labyrinth is the learning to love the earth, to find a whole new world and discover what it means to be truly alive.

The longing and search of the not thought of, in the wanders of the night are the calling through the labyrinth of the mind.

The labyrinth of memories, passion and fears in which one gets lost to find the self again, is like the music with no beginning or end and its eternal mysteries.

The membranous labyrinth in the ear is filled with fluid and is the anatomy of balance, hence the saying to keep once ears to the ground.

In the moment of forever we are not this body or images passing by, no sentiments or the psyche's labyrinth, for we are that which was, is and ever shall be, the children of the divine cosmos as seen in the firmament of the luminous One.

Every life story is a novel and ideal sphere that wants to be in the realm of reality, making the pleasures in that sanity more complex then ever able to surrender to.

To walk safely through the labyrinth of human life, one needs the wisdom and the guidance, known as virtue.

The handicap of human society and its enigmas are the ghosts in the wardrobe and are the perfect maze of intrigue delusion.

It is a choice to live in a maze through which one must find a way out, when the blind alley is full of overloaded dumpsters.

Society’s designed maze has the purpose to let the guinea pig work for the benefit and the purpose of their indulgence.

In the labyrinth of the broken heart emerges out the new-born soul.

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