Tuesday, November 19, 2024


The behavior as though one thinks one is superior to others.

A superiority complex is a defense mechanism that develops over time to help a person cope with feelings of inferiorities.

Having a contemptuous superiority is a deceptive political arrogance with a gloom that surrounds the mental and emotional capacity.

Astonishment is another from of ignorance that tends to raise an eyebrow at anything they consider beneath them.

The obvious lacks of trust are of no value, as there are not able to trust themselves needing always a state of position and others presuming to support it’s validly.

Emotional manipulations are the schemes to delude once own inferiorities to maintain the kingdom of subtle fear based obligations.

One person that shapes the reputation and gloom of a nation that lacks of personal magnetism and in need for the magnetism in others, are the failed states of consideration.

Verily, life is one continual battle doing its job and only those alone are victorious, who have conquered the self.

Truth cannot be acquired; it needs to be discovered, as nature regards no conventionality. The clever person knows best how to tell a lie, the wise personality knows best how to avoid it.

The intolerant world will crucify everybody that claims great faith and resurrections’, maintaining its hell in tempered beliefs, for there is no greater teacher for the evil-doer than evil itself.

Supercilious characteristics are the stories that keep on shopping for happiness, having a great excuse for being busy.

The King not only on the chessboard, but also in the business world is the weakest pawn.

We all part of the darkness that gave birth to the light, that supercilious light of magical mother night and her ancient space, where the light flows from a substance of divine beauty.

The development of one’s personality is the real purpose of human life and in that secret is the beauty of the eternal divine order.

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