Sunday, December 1, 2024


Immortality and its continuation of a person’s existence after death, is for some people captured with the ideal, to write history.

Sentiments and serenities of a divine ego are in the endless current of the wind between the ears.

 Immortality implies a never-ending existence, regardless of the body; it is the corner stone of spiritual philosophies and many religious traditions.

The sensitive person believes that the souls exist and survives the physical body, whereas the materialists believes the mental activity is nothing but cerebral activity and death is the end of a existence.

We all have felt those moments in bliss and equality that touches the sense of immortality that can grasp the infinite divine qualities of an authority.  Life is revealed in fractions of seconds to the hour of the eternal day.

The children of the universe are made for immortality to maintain the living force and continuation of all worlds in which we exist.

The unborn prophet born as mortal has the answer for the believer and is the ridicule for many small kingdoms.

The kingdom in the serenities of the mind is the mystic temple, with an infinite horizon in the kingdoms of earth to come.

Lifting the barriers of life that divides the immortal is the youth of the soul, on the path of lives in the eternal path. In the immensity of space is the majestic presence of the divine.

Immortality is found in all archeological discoveries and the urge of scientific explorations into the eternal unknown.

The serenities of humanity or collective consciousness are the bass of the melodic frequencies that carries all other notes of life.

The rhythm of life is formed by comparison and creating a theme of divine statement written between the lines of history.  

The statement of ‘one lives only once’ is a call of vanity and amusement in the dance of once limitation in a time concept.

The echoes to maintain kingdoms and its haunting display are the raptures of the heart and mark of the eternal divine kiss.

The immortal perfection includes all imperfections that get cleared away when the free will is ready to touch immortality.  

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