Friday, December 20, 2024


The waxing and waning reflections     of light are the storehouse of          memories considered as lunar                      mansions.

As the masculine energy from the Sun shape shifts the position of the feminine qualities of the daily Moon in constant change, to the collective motions and attention from the past, taken forward.

The day-night combination of sleep and awake is the signature of how the daily individual equilibrium of the astral body functions.

A Vedic story goes that the Man in the Moon is the provider of deities that are related to the conscience awareness of the light source, appropriated to the inner qualities of the soul.

The individual astral body in its balanced state is the equilibrium for the causal body, where the soul adapts between the finite and infinite.

It is only in ignorance where the mind is bound to body and senses, becoming entangled in the food of desires and emotions.

Caught in the light of once own reflections is the mirror image that shows from within. The loss of solar capacities that is needed for independent awareness is fading away in matter of time.

Giving into the negative realm of desires is feeding the desperate now to cover the fears of mental entrapment and limitation, only leading to destruction.

On the stage of the astral world the Moon is the casting agent for the mental-soul-body to resurrect the pure light out of darkness.

Once own salvation is the redeeming to the causal being, as the causative power of life is the divine light in all existence.

The reflection of the Moon is the motherly care and love brought forward, it is the true knowledge as basic of all knowledge.

The extensive knowledge of the self does not need to be the veil of time limitation and forms of ego, as the light of the divine presence is everywhere at any time.

Nature’s greatest teaching is the patience it shares, in the sublime nature of patiently waiting.

Being in nature’s ever-moving life is the nature where the radiance of light is the art of the divine, where the beloved is seen in all names and forms.


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