Friday, January 10, 2025

Moon Astrology

The Moon indicates such things as peace of mind, comfort, fortune, wellbeing, mother and once unique contentment in quality.

 In addition it indicates the extent to which a person will possess common sense (as apposed to pure intellect) as well as memory, stability, general health and happiness. 

A waxing Moon is considered more beneficial and a waning Moon towards detachments. 

A waxing Moon will be more outgoing and confident and will attract attention, whereas someone with a waning Moon will be more reflective and reserved. 

The Moon and signification to the Mother are indicating the general feeling capacities and its energetic consciousness. 

The main issues of peace and its receptivity of the mind are the surrender qualities that work with love and not with a personal or social force. 

Feeling capacities cannot be denied or controlled and need direction into the right way to open the presence as divine significant.  

The Moon is used to predict the best time to start new ventures of any sort and should be started during a waxing Moon, as this indicates growth and expansiveness. 

People with a weak Moon in their chart benefit greatly from reflection, meditation and self development techniques, allowing a deep psychological and spiritual development and can be used as a vehicle for growth and expansion.

 The Moons nodes and monthly point of junction between the Sun and the Moon creating an anticlockwise 18 year circle bringing past experiences to new challenges as test of time. 

Sabian symbols from the Arabian Astrology have for every degree of the zodiac the poetic interpretation of the Moons value at that time. The lunar mansion of the Vedas and its 28 day and 13 returns that equal 364 days have the perfect calendar without a leap-year. 

The Sun represents character or individuality, whereas the Moon indicates the personality with the shades of the past and field of impression behind the persona and where it has been. 

The Moon shows personality difficulties in relating to other people from emotional disturbance. A poorly placed Moon provides wrong imagination, hallucinations and psychological turbulence like heredity from poor family background. 

The Moon is the receiver of emotional intelligence and general vulnerability which become obvious in distress. A strong Moon gives faith, love, openness and surrender towards the nourishing qualities of pliable and sensitive contemplation.


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