Monday, January 13, 2025


Mistakes and its sensing punishment inflicted on oneself become at times the outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing.

Redeeming oneself to pay the price is the compensation through which one hopes to find absolution.

Silence is the temple where penitence condemns the memory to return to innocence.

The surface of life plays the virtues of human beings through all Medias to adore the struggle of sorrow and its penitence, to provide the deeper realities that take the unconscious to the realm of profound faith in the self and the promise of forgiveness.

Within the spirit of penitence and its compassion is a truth of longing that opens the doors of karmic reflections to its roots of purpose.

The natural struggles of life are designed to exercise the soul during times of penitence to look at the truth to recover its natural state of eternal love that we all have to serve somebody.

 Many people serving the Master of pain, the Romans called him Algea the God of mental anguish and misery, bringing tears and sorrows, Slaanesh the dark prince plays a similar role in the excess of pleasure and decadence. 

Mars the planet of energy relates to our passions and vital capacity for self-protection and to project emotional excitability that can become dangerous. Strong Mars influence provides outer self-confidence to carry out the endeavor one need to face.

The negative sides of Martian influence are aggressions and competition to proof oneself into conflict of mental will-power that harms the self in malefic ways and one becomes prone to injuries.

Refined Mars energies are directing towards self-disciplines and asceticism and the endurance of patience.

 Penitence is the regret for wrongdoing and the power of admitting the same by honoring once power to be of service and repair the damage to be forgiven and proof the willingness to change.

Those who cannot admit any mistakes are the weakest link in a society of overrated feelings capacities, needing shopping for therapies, never wanting to face the truth.

Inferiorities and its escape are the providence that allows holding on to glorious moments that will never return, as the restless heart cannot find the stillness in sublime nature.


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