Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The art of valour is the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to face the music beyond the impulse of self-expression.

The branded society and its sold out freedom slogans are the make up of conformity, where the act of creativity becomes very pretences from the lack of courage to be the self in confidence.

Mediocrity as its best needs to be avoided by all means, then those flies of false success are made from the fly-strip factory.

Individuality and ones true valour is found in the silence of pondering that will pierce through the glamour of vehement desires.

Creativity is the projection of an internal state of mental awareness which is the drive towards freedom that cannot be compared.

The Medias guarantees of security and peace of mind is the shortcut to the true self, taking advantage to sell you out so easily.

Most people are lost in the liberated status quo of the true self, where the ego becomes a biopsychic drive that claims itself.

The endless ‘I’, I want, I must have, I must be satisfied are the flags of poor liberation and the illusive power of mass psychology, or the hundred monkey effect.

From the Vedas point of view, there can be no finite experience permanently satisfying the cravings of the mind, which is only found in the nature of the infinite spirit.

If this longing is suppressed or inhibited in mediocrity, it will affect the mind and body in action.

The transformation of the senses will and mind become once helpers in the attainment of the spiritual means, and  is the refining virtue to once true valour, that does not need reassurance.

Valour gives a seat to that which is the all pervading absolute that supports all.

The ignorant believer by claim of belief causes a revolt in an intelligent person for its truth disturbs the harmony of conclusion, ignorantly maintaining the mediocrity as status quo.

True valour is the initiation to take a step forward in directions which one does know from the whispers of the soul.


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