Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Famished Spirit


The crisis is the revealing of the spiritual journey and its liberation of attachments like a relationship, a job identity or mental strain as the soul is starved of pure consciousness.

Spirituality in the present has its own ideology with eastern philosophies and western convenience at hand that aligns with the desires of the ego.

 Everything one does is based on the choices one makes.

 One cannot always control what goes on outside, but one can always control what goes on inside.

It is because we resist the stillness in ourselves that we miss the depths of the love, its brilliance and creative joy at the core of our beings. The spirits love is a clear mental state, while the soul recalls images and their meanings as values. 

Throughout human history the struggle has always been the liberation of the soul and the escape from the strain of existence in the labyrinth of love against the corrupted state that controls the constitution. Understanding once fate is the dance with destiny that utilizes the strength, whereas the calling for success will confuse the spirit and scatters only shadows needing enlightenment.  

The spirits invites circumstance to invite and develops good things that need to be mastered to utilize once own spirit in the total spirit.

Every identification of the self in the world of love becomes the handicap of mental anguish that needs a decorated uniform to proof some realities. The oversaturated qualities of who is who have no values and are the mediocrity of the poorest mind to establish power to proof a point.

The spirit of the heart is the far reaching cry, heard in silence with the tear of pure intention touching the tenderness of all there is.

The hearts spirit is its own medicine that walks through the fires of trials and reaching the bliss with the heart in God's hand.


Is the understanding that requires humble patience and demands a suspension of the ego in the face of God, knowing that one is on the path one supposed to be on? 


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Psychological hemisphere


The individual directions in once own world are the understanding of the mind and its collective and spiritual level of consciousness to create the reorientation and challenges of who one actually is.

Spirituality avoids psychology for it has very little concern with emotional fulfillment as aim of life. The living force and part divine is the true knowledge, beyond the burden of emotion and thought.

Our present mind and personality is a temporary body with a commitment of a broader truth of who we are and the oneness of life.

Jyotish is the science of light in Vedic Astrology and provides access to energies that work on the individuality to optimize life energies in the frame of times.

Psychological entanglement and the shallow fabric of therapy are not facing the truth with feelings and memory entities.

Astrological psychology takes one beyond the mind into the faculties of soul potential and its evolution in this life time, to establish energetic reasoning to the personal trauma and state of process.

Sugar coated therapies are sensation related and giving ever more to substance, instead of dragging old stories into the present one should look at the soul status quo and one conditions the mind to the wisdom for the future.

Psychological disorders are caused by misinterpretations of the soul and its vital connections, giving it fancy names and expensive supplementation. Astro-psychology is a pseudoscience that comes closer to the psychic structure and is the key for self-knowledge.

The fallacy of personal validation or the sense of personal identity called ego is an illusion that does not really exist.

The journey of the soul is the expansion of consciousness to work out the destiny and pattern of time influences.

The mental reactions in time can be changed by the awareness of how and where energies take one to new directions or orientations of how the cookie crumbles.

The future is the destiny of the soul, free from bondage of the self, defeating purpose and values.


Monday, January 13, 2025


Mistakes and its sensing punishment inflicted on oneself become at times the outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing.

Redeeming oneself to pay the price is the compensation through which one hopes to find absolution.

Silence is the temple where penitence condemns the memory to return to innocence.

The surface of life plays the virtues of human beings through all Medias to adore the struggle of sorrow and its penitence, to provide the deeper realities that take the unconscious to the realm of profound faith in the self and the promise of forgiveness.

Within the spirit of penitence and its compassion is a truth of longing that opens the doors of karmic reflections to its roots of purpose.

The natural struggles of life are designed to exercise the soul during times of penitence to look at the truth to recover its natural state of eternal love that we all have to serve somebody.

 Many people serving the Master of pain, the Romans called him Algea the God of mental anguish and misery, bringing tears and sorrows, Slaanesh the dark prince plays a similar role in the excess of pleasure and decadence. 

Mars the planet of energy relates to our passions and vital capacity for self-protection and to project emotional excitability that can become dangerous. Strong Mars influence provides outer self-confidence to carry out the endeavor one need to face.

The negative sides of Martian influence are aggressions and competition to proof oneself into conflict of mental will-power that harms the self in malefic ways and one becomes prone to injuries.

Refined Mars energies are directing towards self-disciplines and asceticism and the endurance of patience.

 Penitence is the regret for wrongdoing and the power of admitting the same by honoring once power to be of service and repair the damage to be forgiven and proof the willingness to change.

Those who cannot admit any mistakes are the weakest link in a society of overrated feelings capacities, needing shopping for therapies, never wanting to face the truth.

Inferiorities and its escape are the providence that allows holding on to glorious moments that will never return, as the restless heart cannot find the stillness in sublime nature.


Sunday, January 12, 2025



The vulnerable state, of having no protection from something harmful, or some embarrassing secrets, reveals the exposure of the weakest link.

The problem with avoiding trouble is that it is not safer, as the shadow of danger and its exposure, one will face regardless.

The uncertainties are the weakest link, when to risk once emotional exposure; it is the ghosts in the dressing cabinet and how to rise and dress to the occasion.

The superstitions of fears are metaphors to control others for domestication, whereas life in its daring qualities is the adventure.

Exposures are the values and principles of life as education in pursuits of wisdom and real knowledge.

The doctrine behind the curtain of deliverance puts one in the place of the real performance. The theatrical display and its overwritten script are shallow faculties when it comes to delivering the act to convince others.   

The mental trap and its security issue is hiding behind a state of ‘doing the job’, in purpose for a title and a bonus pay, giving away the spirit to false loyalties.  

To look at the stories of great teachers and their struggle to maintain the spirit of truth and its immortal qualities, being exposed to the wrath of insecurities by authorities, who could not break the spirit of the Saint, are the living legends.

The negative capabilities of uncertainties will always reach after facts of reasons, then the fear of vice will make one subject to vice.

The mind protects the weakest link by all means not having the patience for the truth to speak its own wisdom in time.

In the concerning world of the self a time must come when confusion of knowledge becomes the test of time and personification takes place.

To face the world at large one requires a foundation in depth, like a tree whose roots are the structure. The stability of the individual existence and its roots will show the fruits of life.

The night and its beautiful charm have the coming of the Moon and its messages from beyond to provide the charisma of wisdom and its natural confidence.


Friday, January 10, 2025

Moon Astrology

The Moon indicates such things as peace of mind, comfort, fortune, wellbeing, mother and once unique contentment in quality.

 In addition it indicates the extent to which a person will possess common sense (as apposed to pure intellect) as well as memory, stability, general health and happiness. 

A waxing Moon is considered more beneficial and a waning Moon towards detachments. 

A waxing Moon will be more outgoing and confident and will attract attention, whereas someone with a waning Moon will be more reflective and reserved. 

The Moon and signification to the Mother are indicating the general feeling capacities and its energetic consciousness. 

The main issues of peace and its receptivity of the mind are the surrender qualities that work with love and not with a personal or social force. 

Feeling capacities cannot be denied or controlled and need direction into the right way to open the presence as divine significant.  

The Moon is used to predict the best time to start new ventures of any sort and should be started during a waxing Moon, as this indicates growth and expansiveness. 

People with a weak Moon in their chart benefit greatly from reflection, meditation and self development techniques, allowing a deep psychological and spiritual development and can be used as a vehicle for growth and expansion.

 The Moons nodes and monthly point of junction between the Sun and the Moon creating an anticlockwise 18 year circle bringing past experiences to new challenges as test of time. 

Sabian symbols from the Arabian Astrology have for every degree of the zodiac the poetic interpretation of the Moons value at that time. The lunar mansion of the Vedas and its 28 day and 13 returns that equal 364 days have the perfect calendar without a leap-year. 

The Sun represents character or individuality, whereas the Moon indicates the personality with the shades of the past and field of impression behind the persona and where it has been. 

The Moon shows personality difficulties in relating to other people from emotional disturbance. A poorly placed Moon provides wrong imagination, hallucinations and psychological turbulence like heredity from poor family background. 

The Moon is the receiver of emotional intelligence and general vulnerability which become obvious in distress. A strong Moon gives faith, love, openness and surrender towards the nourishing qualities of pliable and sensitive contemplation.


Thursday, January 9, 2025

The State

The state of being is the interplay of selfhood and relationships are the polarities of individual existence.

The individual core of the self and the changes over time involving all relationships are like the metaphysical Yin and Yang interplay of love energies that creating wisdom.

Everything in the name of love can be experienced, depending on the quality of once love relationship state. The many states of mind which are the foundation to sustain the complex interpersonal association of the selfhood are the key.

The transformation in relationship values produces change and gives meaning to the partnership quality with more refined feelings and actions. This interaction is the greatest intensity of love, played and written out, a thousand times by poets and historians.

The complexity of the individual energy field on which the battle of love takes place is where one’s own history creates memory.

A love that merely joins two half’s however passionate and embracing and not creating a relation-consciousness will have little destiny. To give once love the ultimate state, are the functional values and purpose of relationships.

 It is very easy to share and matters very little, but in the purpose of love the sharing speaks other dimensions.

Love intelligence is the spiritual language within nature’s serenities which gets tested against the reality of once emotional and biological nature. False impressions become the state of emotional self-other indulgence and have little coal to sustain nourishing shares.

True love aspires to change the ego into a mystic communion with others and the universe. Even the love to ones God must be transcending to reach divinity as a state of consciousness and true being.

The cultivation of marriage and its true chemistry has been practiced with Astrology over millennia’s in many countries to maintain meaningful relationships. The young emotion and sensation should have a long-term prospective and qualities on which all marriages are based on.

The state of being is the community one has chosen and birth has imposed, are the functional energies given to face the music of love, when the qualities of love become bitter shows that circumferences of love prove itself out of tune needing attention.  


Wednesday, January 8, 2025


The art of valour is the strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to face the music beyond the impulse of self-expression.

The branded society and its sold out freedom slogans are the make up of conformity, where the act of creativity becomes very pretences from the lack of courage to be the self in confidence.

Mediocrity as its best needs to be avoided by all means, then those flies of false success are made from the fly-strip factory.

Individuality and ones true valour is found in the silence of pondering that will pierce through the glamour of vehement desires.

Creativity is the projection of an internal state of mental awareness which is the drive towards freedom that cannot be compared.

The Medias guarantees of security and peace of mind is the shortcut to the true self, taking advantage to sell you out so easily.

Most people are lost in the liberated status quo of the true self, where the ego becomes a biopsychic drive that claims itself.

The endless ‘I’, I want, I must have, I must be satisfied are the flags of poor liberation and the illusive power of mass psychology, or the hundred monkey effect.

From the Vedas point of view, there can be no finite experience permanently satisfying the cravings of the mind, which is only found in the nature of the infinite spirit.

If this longing is suppressed or inhibited in mediocrity, it will affect the mind and body in action.

The transformation of the senses will and mind become once helpers in the attainment of the spiritual means, and  is the refining virtue to once true valour, that does not need reassurance.

Valour gives a seat to that which is the all pervading absolute that supports all.

The ignorant believer by claim of belief causes a revolt in an intelligent person for its truth disturbs the harmony of conclusion, ignorantly maintaining the mediocrity as status quo.

True valour is the initiation to take a step forward in directions which one does know from the whispers of the soul.


Tuesday, January 7, 2025


The art of observation of one's own mental and emotional processes are the most valuable conductions and roots of creation.

Being truthful to the self and its motives become clear when the reflections of experiences do not fit in the ideal.

Everything that irritates the self about circumstances and others are the subtleties not understood in a humbling process of reflections.

Those self-reflections are the super-power of wisdom where the truth is the whisper.   

The main task in life is to give birth to the self and become the purpose and most precious resource working with destiny.

The ancient studies of self-knowledge called Atmabodha from the Vedanta are the philosophical text of non-dualistic teachings.

Those theological texts are part of the Brahma-sutras to become the personification of eternal wisdom.

Giving the knower of God to perform the work, that is not limited to the body and mind, but operating from the serenities of wisdom and a stimulus of a non dualistic divinity.

  All spiritual disciplines are meant to establish the ever present reality of God in which the individuality disappears and notions of the self become the existence knowledge or the bliss of the absolute.

To know that behind every free will is not the will of the self, but the will of divine consequence towards working for all, is all there is.

Trust is of no values to the self and others when devotion is not proved by sacrifices.

It is God with the hands of human design to maintain the intended divine plan. Faith in oneself is culminated faith in God as the living trust.

Every person’s expression and attitude is manifested in the expression of once countenance.


Monday, January 6, 2025



The concept of a holistic universe invites the play with the word of Holization and the phenomena of time.

Reality that identifies with the wholeness of the whole, as a meta-causal signature, that is leading to the Holization of expansion of individuality and the acting quality of the divine wholeness.

The determinations towards completeness are the longings towards the operative whole that works with the quality of wholeness of the whole.

In a time concept and other words is that the wholeness works in minutes or ions of years will have the same quality as the whole.

Time is the living identity, considered as a particular living entity of once life with the first breath of independent existence and the span of once life being related to values in real time, with the holistic point of view as whole. Those are the real obituaries that keep the holy scale in balance.

Those gigantic black wholes are the creatures of time and space, it is not that time makes wholes, but time conditions the making of wholes. It is like mathematic that do not make science or physics, but it conditions all science, making it whole.

Time Holization turns itself to operative whole through process of correlation of what needs to take place.

There is no rational logic in this transcend called life and circumstance that take place, it is essentially a cyclic manifestation.

Cyclology is the language of astrology that analyzes time, real-time of the living whole.

The divine cosmos is the cyclic psycho-biological time source of quantum duration in the as above and so below synchronicity as holistic internal view.

The creative selfhood of the soul in cyclic whole is to define that wholeness needs to be gained through seasons of time quality.

Holization is the identification for the truth that facts are its own shadow and that the truth of time stands above and shall win for it holds to the last.

Sunday, January 5, 2025



Vitalistic is a belief that living organisms are different from non-living things.

The doctrine to vitalize dates back to Aristotle, who used the word to describe the difference between matter and a living body.

The Vitalistic force is believed to control the development of living organisms, and to be a key component of health and healing.

The Vitalistic conception that life is in everything and any substance becomes the vast universal ocean of energy in which all that is and moves has its being.

Light and its vital influence on all life is the home of all homes, even in deep sleep, memories of images and light are penetrated within the flow of seasonal tides. Moon memories and longings that flow like the river to fertilize.

To identify the self for subsistence is the struggle to face the light of life that gets turned into the fire of sacrifice, riding the beast of burden. That Trojan horse becomes a trap, if not some sort of longing enable the conquering and utilizing conscious power.

The domesticated human and its sense of securities have little value in the light of things where the psyche has attached itself to feeble ideas. Domesticated consciousness is giving in the spirit to convenience that seems to preserve the force of life.

Those who identify themselves in the mirror are breeding a culture to control life process, whereas the Vitalistic stage is the force which pervades all things.

By means of nature’s light made fruitful is the attraction of life power and the sacred concentrate to reinforce the vital self.

The clockwork of light is the rhythm and pitch point of emotional tides that become the source of times to sow and to reap.

The lime light of life on the stage of the cosmos is the walk through of many shades in performance of the heart that glows with inspiration.

The light that takes one forward is still received long after it is gone, like the death star still observed.

The vitalizing light gives it all for the reflections to give it shares of light-echoes to its nurturing nature.


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Veil of Form


In the stillness of once presence one senses the formless and timeless reality as Form of life that animates the memory and its powerful emotions. 

To look beyond the conditioned personality and the veil of once psychology is looking beyond the confines of a superficial aspect of being.

The masks of time and the images of the self creating different purposes during incarnation for negating all separate identities and reinitiating the world within the sphere of love and its heart of desire.

The Veil of form disappears when seeing all lives within the self and recognizing the divine presence everywhere.

Mental poverty or unhappiness is the veil that blinds the truth to face the trouble of its nature and maintaining a veil of ignorance.

The veil through which one cannot see is the breaking of the shell to all worlds and is the answer to a collective need to preserve the human story for happiness towards true freedom.

The fabric of the veil comes with the coloring of the textures creating patterns of weaving energies for a comfort fit and a suitable recognition of a memory.

Psychic tools like astrology or the I Ching will show the world beyond the veil of a mental form, to the source of the comic consciousness within the self.

The oceanic memories and its deep chaotic insight are illustrated with the cosmic turtle that need to come to the shore of reality to maintain its species.

The veil of reality is the circumstance and the given possibility to reach the ocean of divine consciousness, where one can flow in the light of different levels.

The turtle spirit is of calmness and invites peace with the teaching of patience in pursuing the path, even if it takes a very long time.

Every single moment of sincerity feels like the moisture of the living ocean, while the sand-castle of time will dry virtue to death and wash away eventually.

The veil of the seeming death is the real birth of the soul.


Friday, January 3, 2025



Short simple stories illustrating a moral or spiritual truth, a parable that teaches the importance of the subtleties of life.

A parable is in the human story with symbolic interpretations and a heavenly meaning. 

Masters using parables very frequently as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths to simple memory, where the characters are bold, and the symbolism is rich in meaning.

There are many parables in holy books and fictions like the Little Prince or the life of Pi, those stories exploring the senses and feelings of alienation, identity, and the human condition.

Parables have the philosophical questions to our nature of existence, the absurdity of life in conformity and pointing towards the love intelligence of human emotions.

Parables have themes of serene spirituality and touching the serenities of faith, which is the love current that maintains those stories, been told over and over.

The power of storytelling is to open the heart by seeing the divine beauty in the world as the mystery that teaches the most.

Parables engaging the individual imagination of the story, where one find life as fair trade wherein everything will adjust itself in time.

The eternal parable of humanity divides into two kinds of seekers in God; those who make him and those who want to be like him and spoil it.

The languages of parables are the virtues of love with the opportunity to know its value of that opportunity, which will speaks for itself.

Parables are the cloak of timeless wisdom or spiritual attainment that tunes the music in the spheres like the soundtrack of a movie to the pitch of bliss.

Parables are the love story in its fullness which speaks louder than words. There are like the tide in the sea of life, moving towards the shore of unfoldment in the love story to perform the same on higher planes.

Thursday, January 2, 2025



Each human personality is like different music, having an individual tone and rhythm. 

The art is, one should take oneself to task, instead of putting one’s music on another to determine once offbeat and faults.

It is in the personality of the human heart, where the pearl of sincerity is found. 

Reasons that suit the self are the love of pleasure and merriment, whereas the love of the willing surrender is the love that resonates to the will of the possessor’s heart.

It is love that teaches and forms the eternal personality, as true love is without beginning and end.

The wide space and lights in the distant is the womb of the heart that gives birth to the desire in all forms to complete the image of the self.

The calling of the individual tune is the attraction to ones deeds, the false will be attracted to faulty towers, whereas the virtuous earns his rewards. To choose between once spiritual and material merits shows whether the treasures are on earth or in eternal love.

Life is the opportunity to fulfill the deepest longing of the soul bringing nobility and equality to the personal fragrances that dominate the room.

Few words of the truly inspired person answer many questions and avoiding many words of explanations.

To experience life and yet remain above it is to live in the world and not let the world own the self.

To regard every obstacle on once path as an incentive to a success, it is the initiation to take a step forward in a direction, which one does not know.

The means sufficient for the simple needs of every-day life are the greater wealth, than the riches that add to life’s struggle.

The darkness of the heart trough’s shadows on the heart of another and creates doubt, whereas the truth conceived by the mature soul is expressed as wisdom.


Tuesday, December 31, 2024



The act or state of compensating is being rewarded in some way.

It is as well a psychological mechanism by which feelings of inferiority or failure are counterbalanced by having or knowing things.

 The mind compensates for everything one does.

Every Age has its compensation that constitutes once life to its balance and call of nature that extends itself to the divine compensation of a self-correcting universe.

The ever compensating satisfaction of the mind can only be found in stillness and peace, is the compensation for every worry.

The ever compensating stories what life has taken away are the shadows of the past, finding gratefulness for what life gives, is the light and road less traveled chasing shadows.

Compensation for right from wrong and freedom of speech are the echoes from the howling wolves calling the pack.

To compensate once true integrity for material reasons kills the virtue of inner realities that depend on forms of love.

The divine compensation prevails in all conditions of once true being and existence.

Human individuality is proved by wisdom of comparison, distinguished by the expression of the heart’s sentiment, and never needing to compensate that perfect grace.

To satisfy the misleading media desires to compensate once own satisfaction is the amusement to see vanity and limitation dancing hand in hand.

To compensate on true life is without realizing that every experience is part of a divine evolution.

The benefit of the word almighty is in its realization no to compensate the virtue of duty in the pleasure of doing so.


Monday, December 30, 2024



A period of time and leave from work, to re-establish the mental equilibrium that is known as sabbatical, is the calling from the longing soul.

Sabbath from the Hebrew refers to the Biblical day of rest, or the seventh day. The bible mentioned as well the rest of the 7th year field not to work on.

We all have our own sabbatical season, when diverged plans dissolve into nothing and one is back looking at point zero with broader views.

We all have plans and it’s good to have a purpose to the journey, to see the sabbatical labor of love-matter that becomes the fruits to see.

When the sabbatical leave is the escape from circumstances to lose the self, one only finds the self again, when the shadow wonders where one is going again.

The sabbatical and its rejuvenation are to refresh the soul to its eternal youth in stillness and eternal time, falling in love again.

The sold out dream of the factory world cannot touch nature’s serenities ruled by grace and charm that is the calling with the sabbatical eyes wide open.

The mystic time-traveler is on a sabbatical break on earth to share the compassionate light leading home. The many who wander are not lost, for they became modest in the tiny spectrum of the cosmos.

A sphere of multiple worlds speaks the language of the senses for the truth has the sincere heart of the listener.

The sabbatical listener is beyond the deception of world views and walks within, through nature’s great paintings and knowing its spiritual attainment. The sabbatical is the relief in life that rises above complexity and conventionality.

The sabbatical quest is, that it does not matter what has been lost, so long as one have not lost the touch with the soul.

Sincerer time and moments in sabbatical perspectives are the values worth more than a thousand years of a life of falsehood.

The sabbatical temple is the mastership of once own domain and another kingdom in Promised Land and state of mind.

Success gives appearance of reality mostly false, whereas the serenities of the loving touch give birth to the soul.


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Feline Muse

 Cats have a long history with humans to continue to socialize playfully with people.

 The catwalk and its enticing tail language indicating the sensuous affection and territorial marking to content.

Grooming themselves and like to share the licking with some relaxing purr are the indication of many lives and giving the question mark shaped tail, the answer to that curiosity.

Black cats and its suspicious call were referred to as the devil’s little Minions, as they were associated with witchcraft and nocturnal behavior.

The Egyptian feline deity was thought to be a bringer of good health and protect the home from evil spirits and helping females during pregnancies.

The feline metaphor has all the admiration when they want it, for they are the connoisseurs of creature comfort and the puzzle with no solution.

Equality is the treatment of feline philosophies and the superiority that knows itself best, as one cat leads to another.

Simplicity in genuine dramatic practicalities makes the cat sit in the most inconvenient places, and reminds us with kind mastership, where once place is, from ancient worships. 

The Chinese year of the Cat declares the important to be careful in dealing with any unwanted confrontations and interaction and still enjoy once personal space. A cat will show signs of aggression by hissing and starring to control its territory, similar as we do, to protect once comfort zone.

Feline woman or cat lady may find the human need for affection is met most easily through a relationship with a pet, having insecure reasons, to express themselves to other people.

The feline powers that choose you to be in unconditioned love, with claws carefully sheathed over the chest, are the expressions of love.

Every Zen master has outlived the 7 lives of a Cat and practice the art of saintly expressions with a stroke of the beard.

Feline transcendence knows the influence of time and the secret of life; it is the living Buddha in spirit that has all the power there is, taken the unseen world into pursuit.



Saturday, December 28, 2024



The spoonful of enlightenment and its humor is the texture on the palate of life that arouses the point of bliss.

The daily spoonful of faith nourishes the love potion and keeps one away from the howling at the lustrous moon a lot.

Simple life can be measured with a coffee spoon that goes beyond the shape of the spoon, for the spoonful of true values in life become the taste of appreciation.

The spoonful of feelings one shares with the lover are the pouring delights to nourish the parched lips for the kiss.

The shared fetus position in spooning delight unfolds nature’s chemistry through the mystery of the heart.  

The voicing of the song and poetic light is the spoonful of a tune one cannot forget, it is the taste of a memory in loving respect.

The spoonful of wisdom cannot taste the same for the knower and the wise men, for one collects them and the other uses them for easy digestion.

The spoonful of the immensity is the space, as the formless flavor that dreams reflect in vivid visions, is the calling of the blessings in still. The spoonfuls of intuition that cannot deceive, but swallowed too fast by reasons are the shades of the radiance in wonder.

Spoonful mysteries are the alchemy to attract easy bites in the galleries of hopeless hearts, shopping for a new life.

The spoonful of liberty that some take to act freely become the spoon-chain that bolts the freewill.

Spoonful happiness and promises, that plays hide and seek, or catch the bite are the arenas of worldly desires of shades, heavens eternal spoonful of light are natures sublime serving prayers, rising from the heart.

The spoonfuls of endurance are the coal for virtue’s fire that warms the heart by living naturally.

Spoonful subtlety and ancient echoes are the expressions of love that taste like innocence home, virtues eternal beauty to meet again.


Friday, December 27, 2024


Some cosmic turnaround from the last 4 years has brought many changes for everyone and is still a working process.

2025 will bring some significant change as Saturn and Jupiter will change signs and quality of energy.

Saturn and Jupiter have powerful economic influence on the world at large. The negative influence from Jupiter in Taurus where ignorance and desperation keeps on wanting more will fizzle themselves out when Jupiter transits into Gemini, and responsibilities and change of mind will take form. Saturn’s transit into Pisces the sign of spirituality and liberation will bring significant changes to people, especially those who have strong Pisces or Virgo influences.

The positive influence of Saturn in Pisces will establish more spiritual influence with disciplined holistic practice. Otherwise Saturn’s restrictions and rigid influence will create insecurities, sadness and loneliness. The end of March until middle May will pose powerful challenges, especially as Rahu will move from Pisces to Aquarius and meet with Saturn and creating a planetary chain with Venus and Mercury, end of April.

 Last time Saturn was in Pisces was from 1993 to 1996, where my own spiritual journey begun and I came to South Africa.

Rahu’s nodes moving anticlockwise through the constellation of Aquarius in the axis with Ketu in Leo and will establish the characters of the self and its material aspirations or the break of the pitcher and move towards the higher spheres of universal love.

Saturn left some footprints over the last 5 years, where recourses and waste needed to be revaluated, because of old habits and conveniences.

The entanglement in materialistic pursuit will only lead to disillusion and disappointments, personal ambition (Rahu in Aquarius) and ethical values (Ketu in Leo) is about using once power to make the world a better place.

Shani is the Vedic name for Saturn and means, the one with the halo, the timekeeper for justice and retribution.

Many new directions and interest towards spirituality in esoteric teachings like Yoga, Astrology or other self-awareness teachings will become very popular.

Saturn is about a foundation that is build on the labor of love, which is at times challenging discipline when fears are the little boat in the oceans of Pisces, looking at the stars for directions.

The progress of time is the development of one’s personality and the real purpose that makes one wonder at times about.


Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Astral body

During sleep our sense of body as a quasi-material persona is considered the intermediate between the mental imaginer and the subtle sphere of the astral life force, called prana.

The eternal astral sphere is the greater body of the planetary heavens with the astral forces, which influences and controls life.

Action and reaction are the laws that direct to the experience at specific times when images fall into place in needed moments or with out-of-body experiences, or as astral projection.

It is the involuntary dissociate state that occurs during near-death situations, in neurological traumas, or with the use of drugs.

The realms of heavens and all purgatorial existences are the etheric phenomena that are experienced in symbolic dreams, vivid memories, unusual circumstances and visionary landscapes.

Graha is the Sanskrit name for a planet and literally means a seizer that has a time signature that changes to its frequencies relation.

The planets (Grahas) are agents of a slow dynamo which directs us to experience at specific times of the reactions, generated by the actions that have been performed in the past.

Negative ego performance is an arrogation of energy that uses vitality to maintain perception in destructive ways and influences.

The astral body is the light and energy signature that is identified with the art of Astrology that allows the interpretation of the wider scope with the astral body and its serene influence.

The life force as soul from life to life has the character already set out to accomplish, the task in this incarnation.

The astral body and Astrology show the manner in which these influence dwell within us, so that through we may gain mastery over the unknown universe.

Expansion of awareness is the natural return to cosmic consciousness and liberation resolved into the inner soul and Sun of light.


Monday, December 23, 2024


To recognize opportunities and move in new directions will benefit the aspirations of flexibilities and imagination.

All aspirations must include the needs of others; there is where true beauty is born that colors the ambitions of kindness.

The aspiration of the universe and its eternal care seen as beauty is the highest call to believe in. 

The real tragedy of ignorant people is the poverty of their own poor aspirations.

The sense of humor in everybody’s aspirations and once limitations are some logistics of truth.  

To make a difference one need the eternal aspiration of a divine plan.

The global village as ideology has to include the aspirations and dreams of the people to find their life and visions fulfilled.

The old tyranny of leaders still maintains the manipulation of fears, because every person, through fear, will fail all aspirations.

All constitutions do not reflect the hopes and aspirations of ordinary people and only widens further the democratic deficit.

A marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of human equalities, with no exercising some rules over the other for reasons, and rather assisting the other in aspirations one need to fulfill.

Aspiration is the lover’s heart that touches the depth of life and the godly soul that soars to the stars; it is the eye that penetrates through the wall of matter.

The divinity is the exaltation of the soul and the aspiration of the creator by means of the human heart to experience life within and without.

The vision of nature is the presence and aspiration of God, giving the tears of joy more values, than anything else.

Natures aspiring patience is forgiveness itself.

If one wants to know life, one can best know by one’s own life aspirations.

Aspirations are the discovering of one’s heart and are the greatest initiations.

Eternal Sphere

  The sphere of eternity in philosophical terms is the idea of viewing the universe as all simultaneous present and not a succession of mo...