Thursday, September 1, 2022

The three Gunas


Is the overal sustaining or maintaining energy. It has the faculty of freshness and purity, with the ability to maintain that nature in one self. Vishnu represents sattva guna and is holding the universal forces. 

It is seen as a pure guna and brings knowledge and illumination. Nakshatras ruled by the Sun, Moon and Jupiter are sattvic.

The word “sattvic” translate as “pure,” and sattvic theraphies establishing the right balance, calmness and mental clarity.

A Sattvik diet is a pure vegetarian diet which includes seasonal fresh fruit, whole grain, pulses, sprouts, nuts, seeds, honey, and dairy products. It takes as well the commitment of honesty, respect and faith.

Rajas is the creative catalyst or the seed to all actions.                                                                           Brahma represent rajas guna and is identified with the crea tive force, along with the energies of passion, desire, and a striving for material fulfillment.                                                                                                      Nakshatras ruled by Mercury and Venus are rajasic.

Rajas is associated with energy, excitement and birth. It is the quality of action, which is driven toward achieving a goal. Desires if unbalanced with the other gunas will cause conflict. It quality establishes distress  and generate a hostile energy around one selves. 

The perfect died for rajastic energies is moderation.


Is dissolution and the silence of inactivity. It is the source of death and cessation of movement.        Shiva is seen as tamas guna and is the destroyer of every- thing so that a new fresh cycle of creation can be mani- fested.

Nakshatras ruled by Mars and Saturn are tamasic.

People with too much tamas energies are lazy, dull, ignorant and they have psychological blockages. Its energies remain stagnant, causing poor health conditions. They are also easily and negatively influenced. One is attracted to meat, fish, onions, garlic, curds, mushrooms, alcohol, smoking and any other fermented foods, including vinegar, bread, pastries and cakes. 

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