Wednesday, February 1, 2023

The houses of Jyotish 1



The 1st house reflects the entirety of the individual life within a small space. Its life essence and the time of the first breath begin the quantum of energy apportioned to the native. Symbolic inheritance and its psycho spiritual conditions that will act on its energies to reach its fulfillment. The first house represents physical appearance, temperament and character. Vitality and challenges, that acts to planetary vibrations and its disposition to proceed.Some of the soul’s total life essence is made available in this incarnation and become part of the general nature. The strength of the first house gives vital information of how things will fall into place.

The second house 

The release of creative abilities, values of wealth, facial expression and social interactions. Eyesight, death, cause and effect are all manifestations of creative power. Condition of affluence and subtle observations, the primordial essence of the individuality.Wielding effectively the abilities to establish perspectives. Family relations are another creative expression seen from this house. Formations of beneficial or malefic influences and opportunities. 

The third house

 The house of valor, individual prowess and sacred instruction represents the penetration of subjective essence into materialism.The progress as faculties with siblings, colleagues and its intellectual exchange, the power to observe, which enables us to communicate. Realities of an individual and ongoing psychological situation. Malefic Planets (Sun, Mars, Rahu, and Saturn) do well here, while beneficial Planets (Moon, Venus, Jupiter) creating indulgence and spoil. Mercury creates a harmonious link between spiritual sense and achieving different objectives. Ketu in this house conquers all enemies but comes with quarrels, fears, anxieties and instability.

The fourth house 

The place of general prosperity, inheritance from the mother, property, vehicle, personal welfare and its emotional equilibrium. The immediate environment in which the individual dwells. Childhood, education and its conditioned psycho spiritual influences. Emotional stability and its affluence. Beneficial planets bring comfort and spoil, malefic planets creating struggle and determination. Emotional storms and divine grace are connected in this house.

The 5th house

 The house of individuality, progeny, education, creative work, secret wisdom and liberation. The house of spiritual influence and its self expressing impulse. Profundity of contemplation and the realization of ones true nature. Speculation and playfulness from the deeper understanding of the life process and its actions. Assessing the unfoldment in aspect of personality.

The 6th house

 The place of karmic impediments, debts, diseases and all litigations, where difficulties and misunderstandings creating disappointments. Planets here, establishing a special importance towards personal growth and latent talent to turn the old into new. Having the 6th house empty is easy going; the rest becomes a delicate planetary influence.

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