Saturday, February 4, 2023

The houses in Jyotish 2

 The 7th house

 The sphere of action regards relationships, marriage, trade, sexual behavior and status quo. The place where things get fall into place and one becomes the actor on the stage of drama where life is performed. The taste of the nectar and the deviation from the path is another interpretation. The conquest with the maintaining of marriage or partnership and its attainment of desired object and social status. Locked treasure and vital spiritual energies that need to become vital for development. The 7th house is the opposition, balancing of the first house and indicating energies that get used up.

Malefic planets directing the persona more towards spiritual unfoldment, while beneficial planets tend to more in physical gratification.

The 8th house 

The house of shared resources, longevity, legacy, secret affliction and the energy of the kundalini.  Events that occur without immediate cause. Retrieval of lost property and inheritance. Any planet occupying this house becomes important and creates issues and harms the aspect of life it rules. Any planetary association with the 6th house creates health issues. A malefic planet in aspect with a planet in the 2nd house will have the primary role in inflicting death.

The 9th house 

The house of conscience unfoldment, spiritual discipline and initiations. End of compulsions and mundane activities.

The house of righteousness, wisdom and receiving necessary counseling, journeys to specific places. Father role and its involvement. Release of bondage represented from the 10th house. Beneficial planets creating inward evolution and careful consideration. Malefic planets creating the strive towards all spiritual endeavors. 

The 10th house 

The house of external inherent faculties and its necessary source of determination. Expansion of moral virtues and its renowned commerce with its authority. Honors, fame and retirement.

Sacrifices, pre-eminence, merits and honorable living.

Expression on an impulse. Spiritual hierarchy, divine struggle and involvement with its environment.

Proclivities, imagination - paranormal faculties and its ambition.

Vocations and its deeds.


The 11th house 

The place of friendship, social life, gains and skills of practical implementation. Learning the trade and become experienced.

Earning of wealth through observing values and its result.

Applied knowledge and its success by material involvement.

Social interaction and its influence as much as ornaments and precious stones. Planetary aspects (yogas) from the second house establishing considerable affluence.


The 12th house

The house of dissolution, terminations of relationships,

previous lives, intimacy of desires and discharge of debts.

Every beginning contains within themselves their ending.

That circle of eternity and unifications of souls brings forward the conscience of the spirit.  This inevitable link or karma is part of the process of dissolution. The last house before ascendant shows the condition under which the individual embarks on its journey again.

For every growth is the process of dissolution.

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