Sunday, May 21, 2023





The ancient traditional calendar provides a tabulate, which has a unique pattern that relates to the sources coming from the influences of the heavens and its lights.

Panch means 5 and anga translates as limbs or fingers and how one can measure the sky with the hand and can be used in palmistry.

Panchanga is how the interaction between Moon and Sun is a unique observation tool, that show the feminine and masculine energies on a daily basis. 

Dina is the influence of the Sun from sunrise to sunrise. 

Nakshatra is the distance the Moon travels in one day. 

Thiti is the lunar day that show the daily movement of Sun and the Moons division by 12 degree.

Karana is half a lunar day that relates to actions and performance. 

Nitya Yoga means daily yoga connections or aspects between Sun and Moon.

All Hindu spiritual annual festivals are based on this calendar and it is used in consultations to find the best time of things.


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