Monday, May 29, 2023

Transitting Moon

The Moon has been regarded as a planet though it is a satellite of the Earth and has a secondary influence over the entire living creatures and the biological hemisphere.

The Sun gives light to everything known as the cause of life whereas the Moon is the preserver and everything will be emotionally received and experienced by it.

The Moon is the signification of the mother and provides the compassion and foresight of emotional stability.

The Moon in its role of duality plays the role between the body and the soul. Mind is as such the balances between intuitive

 and rational observations.

Therefore, the course of actions and its memory are guided and regulated by the transiting and emotional triggering Moon.

The condition of the Moon in the horoscope discloses the relationship of the native with the world as the Moon represents the psychological reactions of the general public towards the individual.

Vedic Astrology and its depth of significations to the Moon reveals the consequence with mother, mind, country, general public, sensation, agriculture, treasury, essential commodities, currency, public wealth, home, sentiments, nerves, construction, blood, chemicals, imagination, memory and profession.

Health issues signified by the Moon are rheumatism, consumption, colic, vertigo, palsy, sleeping disease, diarrhea, restlessness, jaundice, impurity of blood, danger from water and other watery diseases. The Moon conditions the breast, saliva, womb, water, blood, lymphatic and the glandular systems.

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