Thursday, June 1, 2023


The maze of impediments, joys, achievements and many humiliating situations are all choices one creates 
for one self.
True courage and its valor are the strength or weakness that makes the impossible possible or becomes another procrastination.
 The 3rd house and its positive and negative energy from the rulership and aspects of planets determine the outcome of vision towards the 9th house of fortunate possibilities.

Any difficult aspect from 3rd will invariably spoil 9th results.
The third house stands for one's courage and unceasing spirit, even under adverse conditions.
The Sun is praised in 3rd house; it protects and takes care of those whom he loves most. The individual is an institution in its self.
Mars in 3rd when exalted creates a sporting personality and competition with siblings.
Mercury provides always a new way of perseverance, thoughtfulness, social interactions with friends and attachments.
Jupiter influence in third brings the inclination of avoidance not wanting to face the real issues. It attracts obesity and the shifting of responsibilities.
Venus in the third house establishes the creative impulse that makes one very nice, but very superficial as well.
Saturn in third establishes a profound safe place, but can harm the interests of siblings.
Rahu is powerful in the third house, where the desire confers to happiness.  Ketu establishes many anxieties and fears which will address it self.
The Moon in third creates an introverted and a typical factory worker trying to make meets end. They need a group to function in.
The 3rd house represents: courage, valor, servants, younger brother, short journeys, communicative skills, neighbors, writings, and close friends.
               When the 3rd is weak, one's enthusiasm is                                        dampened.


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