Ketu with its past lives influence that attracts desires and purpose in Rahu makes this axis at times an ever wondering journey.
Its placement can makes a person of a wandering character with more affection towards others then his family. A non-conformist that loves to run into unexpected events. People who marry foreigner or living in a foreign country. Working in the field of a secret society or being the anonymous hacker, are characters that have strong Ketu influences. Rahu is the catalyst that makes Ketu the concentrated point effect.
Ketu is dormant and functionally
immobile most the time.
Ketu’s transformative energies become effective
inn producing its own result during its own period (dashas) good or bad with
its associated signs and planets. Especially when the Moon or the Sun is
involved that will influence all thinking capacity.
In Vedic astrology the
nodes are considered as prime malefic and have the status of a planet.
Secrets and behind the
curtain activities will delay fructification of events, creating complications
beyond measures.
The subtleties of intuitive
faculties develop during Ketu’s 18 year of backward circle and dasha time.
A Homoeopath or an Astrologers career may
start flourish, or a magician may earn reputation, the gambler unexpectedly
gains, or a Biochemist has a breakthrough after long duration research and
probe into the unthought-of area.
Ketu in favorable house
will in its dasha time influences provide excellent results.
While under malefic
influences it becomes very challenging for a long time.
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