Sunday, July 9, 2023

Me and myself


How much of me am I actually in myself, and is the beginning of a search for expression of one’s real self.

Is the self something that I know and understand or am I am the alienating, confused person living in a hostile world?

 Is the search for my authenticity a viable goal or a pipe dream, then at this moment in space and time, I think I know who I am and where I am?

The understanding, that we are all multi emotional beings and having different relations to different people, in time and place is more who we are experiencing to experience as a declaration.

The word self seems to be given an endless variety of meanings. Sometimes it is used to mean the whole of one’s being, including all mental and physical operations. Sometimes it refers only to mental activity (conscious and unconscious) and excludes the body. Sometimes “self” refers to an organizing psyche that determines how one thinks, feels, and behaves. And sometimes the “self” is only a mental construct used to describe observable behavioral patterns.

What is the recommendation for someone going through the agony of soul-searching and finding truth?

The accurate, realistic assessment of the self is resulting from acceptance that makes it possible of self as a dependable, trustworthy instrument for achieving one’s purpose.

What each of us can become during life is determined by two fundamental conditions, first is the degree to which we experience a more or less consistent sense of self or identity, and secondly whether the feelings we have developed about that self are predominantly honest.

The identity crisis is a constant evolution in the body and the self develops by the feelings and thoughts that come with the experience.

The problems we are facing are in the fact that conflicting elements have been “programmed” into us by various external authorities.

On can never step into the same river twice, for it’s not the same water and person.

We see ourselves by how we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have done.

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