Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Moon status


The Moon affects the mental status, thought processes and one’s ability to utilize ones mental strengths. With the Moon’s position and strength, we can judge the thinking processes, ideology and details of all parameters affecting the psychology of a person. The external social conscious mind and the internal conscious mind, that stores all experiences and interpretation of the individuality.

The collection of the experiences from our surroundings and the action which is to be taken by our mind and body is known as beliefs and are constantly being registered in the subconscious mind.

The reaction for our new experience is based on the previously registered beliefs and recognized as frames of references by

 western psychology.

The position of the Moon in the horoscope tells us about our interpretations of the experiences and our view point towards the life.

The Moon and its feelings create the point for thoughts, virtues and personality, making it deeply connected with all the functions and metabolism of our body. The Moon therefore is always the seed and water. All the hormones are watery elements and they are governed by various glands. All glands are governed by pituitary gland and the same is governed by pineal gland. The state of the water is a representation of goodwill and used in baptism as holy oath for the tremendous power of will to surrender. The liberated mind and its power are the virtue and holding from the refined energies within. The organized mind power and its true intentions are the creator of the magnificence.



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