Tuesday, July 18, 2023

True feelings


Consciousness is the interfacing media between the soul and the brain. Experiments with the cerebral cortex that controls movements in our bodies by sending signals to our muscles, found that neurons in the in the cortex act before the neurons in the cerebral cortex and send signals to the muscles that concluded that conscious will, separate from the brain, must be present before the neurological events begin.

Creating the fact that consciousness controls brain and not the other way round. Philosophers have given consciousness and brain separate entities from each other, brain being a part of the body and consciousness motivating the body.

The brain as supercomputer capable of doing very complex functions, but can not have any wondrous feeling at the sight of a temple or the perfect view at the stars, nor ever express love and enjoy music with the experience of love, feeling and enjoyment that can not be measured.

Our brain has roughly 100 billion neurons and communicates by sending electrical signals through specialized connections called synapses. Images are the consciousness that is created in the brain. This image of consciousness is imposed on the soul of a person for the soul to act.

From the Vedic literature, the supreme soul Brahman appears as atma in the individual body. People identify themselves with obscuring the Brahman with the ego or layers of shadows.

The psyche and shadow refers to the forces in an individual that influence behavior, thought and personality and represents the conscious mind; the personal unconscious contains memories including those that have been suppressed; the collective unconscious is a collection of psychological inheritance containing all the knowledge and experience we share as a species.

Since the only difference between the living person and a dead person is the soul, hence it is the soul which receives the cosmic communication and acts accordingly.

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