Friday, August 4, 2023

The Observer...


If one lives in the past and is concerned with "what one was" and shall be, is the yesterday observer in the observer of today.

Which makes the self-knowledge the, body of being, with the observations in the now a very important point and perspective to have. Learning is a constant, non-accumulative process, and "the self" is something changing all the time, new thoughts, new feelings, and new experiences.

We can never say I "know" about one self and acting from the past,

as long the "I know", does not know that learning is a constant and active process.

The "observer" and the "observed" in conflict and contradiction where there should be not a contradiction from the "observer”.

To act at all without having mental concepts is like walking into a room and sitting in a chair without having a concept of that a chair. The "telling me" and truth is born of a concept that comes with remembrance - and one must have such remembrances, concepts.

But it is the concepts that created ideologies, which are the source of troubled manipulation of the observer.




The supreme law of the now is the all just and right, but it can not be proclaimed, it needs to be understood.


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