Thursday, September 21, 2023



Beauty in any form is an expression of reality and the reflection of the divine making that love all inclusive.

Without a deep inward change, all effort to be religious or spiritual is the urgent necessity of changing fundamentally and not merely persuaded by the words of another that one need, to change.

By logical reasoning you may come to the conclusion that a fundamental change is necessary, but such intellectual or verbal comprehension does not bring about the action of change.

Your surface mind may agree that a change is necessary, but the totality of your mind is not giving its complete attention as it is divided in itself.

The realization of this truth is in itself sufficient.

The smallest work in the inner realm is to accept no refusal from the heavens and let virtue dissolve in this divine purity.

As long as one will not rise above the things of this world, they will rise above you.

All facts become the shadow of the truth, when observed in realization, it becomes the greatest luxury.

As food is the nourishment for the body, thoughts for refreshing the mind, love is the subsistence for the heart and truth is the sustenance of the soul.

The child that does not want to go to school, the job you hate and doing it for the money, creating illusion in the name of authority and the emptiness of feeling loved.

The faculty of love has its own intelligence that cannot be questioned.

Any speculations of reasoning are useless, until they become the source of happiness and compassion.


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