Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The noise of Desire


The mind retreat itself only by the time, when all attention of desire in all directions becomes silent.

The mind that is not silent can not be free; and it is only in the silent mind, that one can truly receive. 

In the silent mind there is no ideal in which to become, to be, or to think. If one begins assuming certain things, one cannot find out the truth of its matter. 

Conclusions prevent clarity of thought, unable to attain liberation.

Realization is the exalted state and bliss where the mind reaches beyond time of all memories and goes beyond its limitation.

It is not by self realization that one realizes God; it is by God realization that one realizes the self.

Ideals in time and functions in time, builds itself up in time, and is therefore also within the field of time and the response of memory.

The ideal is a projection of thought and memory, which is practicing the ideal as a self-centered wishful thinker, maintaining mere habits with no wisdom behind it. 

The current assault against silence that penetrates the mind and continuously becomes the emotional enemas is the advertising into realms of phantasm feeding the egos core of wishes and desires. It is this manipulated organized effort, only to feed that pretenses happiness. 

It is the principal obstacle between the human soul and the divine ground. People feel threatened by silence, whereas a true soul is completely at home in it.

With the understanding of this falseness and the suffering of once sanity, it can become the liberating factor and not the ideal in time.

The mind forms habits in order to have desires from inconclusive memories. The mind moves from the known to the known, from one certainty to another; so there’s never freedom from known perspectives.

The art of cultivating another set of timeless realization is possible only when the mind is no longer in bondage to desires and time.

Life is the principle thing to consider and the true life is the inner perspective of God realization.

Time and space are the length and breathe of the infinite.



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