Wednesday, October 25, 2023



We divide life into the thing called good and the thing called bad.

Goodness is the state of love. Then when you love somebody, you are not thinking of good or bad, your whole being is filled with that love.

One can observe the mind at moments when it ceases and becomes a state of total attention, which is goodness.

Only when we think-feel in a narrow or envious state, we are adding to the bad which turns and rends us. 

It is part of us, this wanting and not wanting, loving and hating, creating this duality in which thought-feelings are the Pandora’s Box in the field of the ideal.

Love and its natural goodness has no motive, bad thinks happen only with a motive that is based on the self. Good and bad are different states. Goodness happens only when there is total attention and no motive in which there is no effort to be or not to be.

Must one go through hate in order to be compassionate, destroying the self and others, to understand what peace is?

If the mind is occupied with the good or occupied with the bad, it is occupied with the past, giving the mind not the freedom to observe the river of memory from a bridge and not in the current.

Ideology is always an impediment to direct relationship, which prevents action. We want peace on the verbal level which is only on the thinking level, though we proudly call it the intellectual level.

Peace and goodness can only be when the confusion with others ceases.  So, there is conflict between what is and the experience that has been. 

The past, which is knowledge, must never be in conflict with the fact, which is ever in the present.

One cannot appreciate another’s kindness if we think of all the good we have done to the other.

One learns to follow the will of goodness with practicing self-denial.

The knowledge of plurality begins life, but with in the goodness of the consciousness of unity it is life’s culmination.

Morality is the fragrance of the flower which scent maintains the individuality.



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