Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Pierce the future


The mystery of the future holds the fulfillment of all desires, which in the past was denied, and in ones dreams one flies to that brilliant horizon where happiness must exist to seek it.

The mystery will not let one escape; it will prune the circumstance to its needs.

 Life cannot be approached with an ideal, through nor conquered for somebody else. 

To discover starts with the self in the immediate present with the individual for himself.

Consider that the eternal soul goes through many life times in different bodies to grow into the perfection of the self.

Perfection contains everything, even human imperfections which in the course of duty become happiness.

The mental rectification and balanced between the past and the future, the "I" is the bow at the moment of releasing the arrow.

The moment of equilibrium and high tension, is the now in creation.

The mature soul understands that the now and the hereafter is the continuation of the same in another sphere.

The very same soul knows as well it takes, the ‘innocence’ to change spheres for to maintain death and birth on many levels.

The infant brings with it the sense and air of innocence and death needs to happen to dissolve all attachments.

The world is a creation to serve humanity, for humanity is the conscious evolution for far longer then we can comprehend.

Be complete here and perfect there, by rising above facts, for to touch reality. Belief is a conception, but the love in the now grows faith into convictions. That loving presence stimulates the heart with the feeling that it must always kept alive.

The eternal longing that speaks of hope to please the heart, are the blessings that always remind the soul while away from home.


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