Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Seeing the Whole


In the world of awareness there is no conflict and no contradiction.

Being aware of conflicts seems to give it vitality and duration, that is popping up at times to see if still exist.

Awareness is an observation, in which one becomes aware of thinks being revealed that is encouraging and nourishing.

Being aware of a particular thing is to be a part of a whole field of life.

This extensive perception can only be established, through all its particulars, perceiving not only with the mind, but as well as the whole human being. 

This attention with the self and its entire awareness knows its particulars. To be virtuous in the act of righteousness is the foundation of morality.

 The authority of the country, one is supporting has the morality is to go to a war, to kill, to be aggressive, to seek power, to give hate its place; it is all the cruelty and injustice of established authority. 

One is part of this society, whether we are conscious of it or not. Behaving rightly, according to some imposed authority with its ideological concept or principle, cannot be regarded as virtuous.  

So we must begin to find out how deeply we have discarded the morality of authority, imitation, conformity and obedience in our self.

Fear and its elements of control are the questions to the self, for to know what it is to be truly virtuous.  

The wisdom skill in action comes with freedom, and so does virtue.

One can't have virtue and respectability at the same time. 

Virtue is freedom. Freedom is not an idea or a concept. When there is freedom there is real attention, and only in this attention of goodness and its virtues, things are genuine.

 At the end of the valley of conformity and moral dilemma, do not be surprised, that you find ‘virtue’ waiting for you there.

The pursuit after the truth is more interesting than its attainment.

It is difficult to see the whole of life, as long there is a frame in the mind.


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