Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Make of life


Everybody wants some form of security, safety, so that they will have no doubts and no fear, something permanent to which we can hang on to. 

The general goal of life is embedded in one self, because one is part of the whole.

Without love, life is like a shallow pool and for most of us love is an extraordinarily difficult thing to understand because our lives are very shallow. 

We want to be loved, and also we want to love, and behind that word there is a lurking fear.

When you say you love somebody, don't you inwardly depend on that person with continues feelings. Without someone to lean on, to give them a sense of comfort and security, you feel lonely.

Observe it very closely you will see that dependency is fear, it is not love. The same with an ideal or a belief remove the belief and all is lost. When there is dependence there is fear, and where there is fear there is no love. It is the mind that destroys love. 

You want something, you crave it, you desire to be or become something, and this desire sets a pattern; that is, your mind creates a pattern and gets caught in it. The moment the mind creates a hedge, as the ‘mine’ around a person, there is no love.

 In the labyrinth of ones own desires, it is not possibly find out what love is. There can be no love as long as our minds desire certain things of love, or demand that it act in a certain way it creates behind the word love, a mental possession.

The mind gradually becomes a barrier to love, where the true inner source of love action is not responding. 

Because it cannot look at anything anew, afresh, it destroys the very perfume of life, which is love. Life and love with its spiritual attainment is the basic and true purpose of every soul.

The value of that compassion and sacrifice is in the willingness.

So if you want to rise above emotional complexity and conventionality, bring love to a form.

The progressing form of love will culminate into the love of the formless. In order to realize divine perfection, one must loose its imperfect self first.





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