Sunday, November 12, 2023

Shades of fears


 Fears and worries do extraordinary things to most of us, as it creates all kinds of illusions and problems that will be a part of decisions one makes. 

Until we go into it very deeply and really understand it, fear will always distort our actions. Fear turns ideas around and creates barriers between people, and it certainly destroys love.

Without a sense of security, without a mental safeguard, we feel lost and looking to others to guide as we do not know what to think, how to act. 

We feel lonely, insecure or uncertain, from where fear arises.

Life is constantly knocking at our door, trying to push open our windows so that we may see more. From the sensation the idea is born and most of us are very content to be enclosed in safe ideas.

We like to think we are safe in our ideas, in our beliefs, in our prejudices, which are only layers of conceptions and sensations.

Having been thoroughly conditioned by tradition, by fears, you don't want to be left to decide things for yourself. When you are controlled by ideas, isolated by beliefs, then fear is inevitable; and then you are afraid.  Fear is clothed in what you call love. Freedom is possible only when the initiative thinks independently with creative vitality.

As long as one is envious or greedy, one is psychologically depending on society and not free. The most ambitious person is the most frightened, because of what one is. Inward emptiness needs to be covered up. There is no love, there is no consideration, and there is no deep thought. Everybody wants to have influential friends.

To make one self to be like them, because one can see the glamour of it all.

The wings of the true spirit are individuality and independence.

It is good to respect all those with great names, but it’s better to seek continually the nameless and accept no refusal from the heavens.

That presence stimulation in the heart must always be kept alive.

In the hidden reality, which yet covers all, I make that self limited to what in reality is all. 

The valley of death and nature is the mental bridge to understand the goodwill of the spirit as refining entity.

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